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Post all of your fun little secrets
Posts: 3339
Karma: 207
so last night i was informed of a couple new things.
1. Zooming In
a. press apple button plus option plus 8 (turns feature on)
b. press apple button plus option plus + to zoom in or - to zoom out. this doesn't just do the text, but the whole thing.
2. Full Screen in FC
In the manual, it said there was no full screen preview unless you had an external display. but theyr'e full of shit. press apple button plus f12 and it views it full screen. basically what it does is bring the viewer over everything else, so if you click it's as if you're clicking before it's full screened. simply press the same buttons or esc to get out
3. Apple Remote
I guess this isn't a secret, but if you have a remote that came with your comp you can use it to change songs in itunes when it's not even the application open. really handy if you're typing something or editing something and don't want to go back and forth, you can just skip. it's lazy but when i found that out i was so pumped.
I had more but forgot them.
Posts: 7863
Karma: 22
cool, but I don't have any.
Posts: 1595
Karma: 136
hold down apple, control, option, and then press the key 8 (while still holding down apple, ctrl, and option)
Posts: 2672
Karma: 18
Posts: 3339
Karma: 207
yeah that's a good one to do because there isnt another way to get it back
Posts: 1595
Karma: 136
um, you just press the same keys again and it goes back.
Posts: 3339
Karma: 207
...i meant there isn't a way to get it back if you don't know the keys. .
Posts: 1595
Karma: 136
yes there is. follow these steps:
1. Open System Preferences
2. Go to the Universal Access button
3. Under Display, there are two buttons (Black on White, and White on Black). Use these to choose the set-up.
Posts: 328
Karma: 141
Posts: 5240
Karma: 30
press control, option, apple sign and 8.. its crazy!
and for a really sweet minimize, hold shift when you click minimize.
Posts: 1595
Karma: 136
prrettty sure i just covered that one. and ya if you hold shift while you minimize or use any of the f keys (the ones that spread apart your program windows, dashboard, etc) it slows it all down.
Posts: 2348
Karma: 112
i like hot corners, not really a secret
Posts: 3339
Karma: 207
for sure. whenver i'm at school on the windows i go for the corners and i'm like dammit.
Posts: 1595
Karma: 136
this one makes your screen go all haywire. it's really cool, and to fix it you just press it again.
hold down apple, and control, and then press the power button.
Posts: 7863
Karma: 22
I odn't understand hot corners, can someone explain it better?
Posts: 3339
Karma: 207
you can make it so when you put your mouse in a corner it does one of several things. my set up is as follows:
upper right: show desktop
upper left: show all windows (then click the one you wanna see)
lower left: show all app windows
lower right: screensaver
Posts: 2279
Karma: 27
Hot corners is possibly my favourite thing about tiger. I use it soo much and feel lost on a PC without it now, my set up is:
Upper Right: show all open windows (expose)
Bottom Left: Dashboard
Bottom Right: Show Desktop
Upper Left: nothing so i can get rid of the open windows etc
Posts: 957
Karma: 10
yep i almost have the same as yours.....
upper right: widget
lower right: show desktop
lower left: show all open windows
upper left: NOTHING so that way i can close programs. i had something there before but everytime i go up there to try to close a program it would bring up the hot corners so it drove me nuts and i just got rid of the upper left one..
Posts: 1125
Karma: 57
i dont use hot corners i just use f9 for expose windows and the scroll mouse press for dashboard
Posts: 1125
Karma: 57
ok heres a good one i found
open terminal
type in killall Dock and don't hit enter (make sure Dock is capitalized)
go to safari or other app and slow minimize it
then go to terminal fast and hit enter
also control shift makes an even slower minimization
and control minimize is a little slower than normal
Posts: 2672
Karma: 18
i assumed my power button was the eject button and i ended up restarting my comp. thanks lolzzz
Posts: 6857
Karma: 25
for zooming in, why not just hold the control button and scroll up and down on your mouse or touchpad? so much easier.
Posts: 13673
Karma: 3,087
Go under system preferences
Then speech
Then turn on the microphone by clicking the "Speakable Items" On button
A little round thing will pop up, it looks like its own program.
Holding down Esc activates it, and they you can speak your mac to open or close a program. You have to start by saying: "Computer", but then you can vary it such as "Computer, open Firefox" or "Computer, close Itunes". You can also use it to switch between programs.
This works on the latest MBs and MBPs.
Posts: 265
Karma: 10
Speakable items has been in the OS at least since 8 but it's so surprising that so few people know about it.
I'll toss another one out... Open Text Edit, type something, click on Edit -> Speech -> Start Speaking
Posts: 13673
Karma: 3,087
I am certainly a Mac newb, but I thought it was really cool.
Posts: 13673
Karma: 3,087
A really cool website I found....
It can take videos from .flv (YouTube) and convert them to editable formats for your comp. Another cool feature is that you can convert the videos to just the audio component in an mp3. Quite cool.
Posts: 3339
Karma: 207
yeah man figured that out a month or so ago. so much easier.
Posts: 2440
Karma: 62
For your zoom function, you can just hold ctrl and put 2 fingers on the trackpad and scroll like you would to go up and down a page, and it zooms in and out. Way easier than the other way. And for your remote trick so you don't have to change windows, download an application call sizzlingkeys and then you can change songs, pause or adjust volume on your itunes from any window. Look it up.
Posts: 5536
Karma: -1
Seriously, I was working on a huge Psych paper, you're a cockmaster and I hope you burn.
Posts: 3339
Karma: 207
anything involving the power button should've been a red flag man...
Posts: 5536
Karma: -1
Kidding, man.
Well, I was working on a big psych paper when I wrote that, but...I don't hope he burns or any of that.
Posts: 1595
Karma: 136
haha i just burst out laughing in the middle of class cuz of ur angry reply
i hoped that'd work on somebody... you made my day
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