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April Fools Tricks For The School!
Posts: 1092
Karma: 34
I need to go down in history with a good April fools joke for my school, help me out guys!!
Posts: 2720
Karma: 49
Posts: 14332
Karma: 1,268
Posts: 28699
Karma: -5,563
Bahaha, is it weird I was also going to say blow it up?
Posts: 2960
Karma: 15
month in advance? i like the way you think.
Posts: 11349
Karma: 2,333
ive always wanted to get one of those big blow up monkeys that car dealarships use to promote big sales and put one on the top of the school itd be pretty funny
Posts: 1715
Karma: 202
that doesnt make sense it doesnt even sound like an april fools joke ... haha
Posts: 1568
Karma: 19
im finding out what colleges my enemies applied to, then making an extremely official looking rejection letter and sending it to them.
Posts: 11349
Karma: 2,333
most of the ideas youre going to get are ideas of pointless vandalism. which is cool i guess
Posts: 513
Karma: 13
at my school for a senior prank they got 3 pigs, wrote the numbers 1, 2 and 4 on the pigs, oiled them up, and set them loose in the school. haha, it was hilarious
Posts: 9632
Karma: 580
^that was a fuckin sweet show. i liked the one where they sent out 600 master keys "we couldnt send one to everyone becasue we didnt have enough...we sent one to everyone who had a funny name casue it made us laugh..." haha i would do hte exact ame thing. but their letter and shit came out mad good
Posts: 1092
Karma: 34
Posts: 6685
Karma: 511
put a chainsaw in your principals mouth and start it
Posts: 9632
Karma: 580
but somethign funny to do would get your whoel entire class for one period to skip and go to the library or soemthign
Posts: 16909
Karma: 4,683
my friends brother wonce built a big wooden box and put it over a kids car.
Posts: 2720
Karma: 49
get fart spray or smooke bombs and pretend to make machine gun noises w/ ure mouth
Posts: 2020
Karma: 13
nahh man, inflate it in the hallway. For an allalogy thin of blowing up a balloon inside of a toothepaste box!
Posts: 8609
Karma: 1,613
take a huge dump in the hall. when i say huge, i mnea it would tkae 3 wheelbarrows to carry it.
Posts: 8871
Karma: 1,509
that happened at my school...
Posts: 9632
Karma: 580
if ur principle or teacher leaves their car window open just a lil bit, fill the whole car w/ styrofoam packing peanuts
Posts: 245
Karma: 363
You should try to stack chairs and desks in front of the classroom doors. That's what we did last year. lol
Posts: 863
Karma: 14
Posts: 28699
Karma: -5,563
^ And why don't you just stick bananas up your asses while you're at it. J/k, senior pranks are fun.
Posts: 1283
Karma: 11
take every mouse from every computer in school and hide them somewhere. or take the balls out of all of them.
Posts: 1787
Karma: 61
^my school has laser mouses
Posts: 4221
Karma: 20
put poison in the teachers coffee maker! that should teach those lil bitches
Posts: 753
Karma: 9
scatch tape the laser duh
Posts: 17806
Karma: 3,841
crank the ac if its still cold out, if its warm crank the heat
Posts: 2672
Karma: 18
Put something sharp on the teachers' desks
Posts: 6974
Karma: 79
Some kid put honey on every single doorknob and water fountain last year. Everyone was sticky.
Posts: 420
Karma: 10
Posts: 7701
Karma: 535
i kno one u could play at home mitch...but it might get u killed
Posts: 9322
Karma: 76
we had a blow up monkey in the corner stall in the bathroom at my middleschool
he stayed there for a while
Posts: 6005
Karma: 2,203
take a pictue of the school and send it to your news paper place with the schools address and have a price w/ the principals home phone number.
Posts: 1741
Karma: -2
i have a good idea for a school prank, i just dont know where to get enough bullets.
Posts: 2049
Karma: 1,110
Someone Did that at our school and the computer teacher was so pissed and wouldnt let anyone use the labs for like 2 weeks
now we have the laser ones.
Posts: 4
Karma: 10
Make all the classrooms backwards, turn around all the desks. Put condoms on peoples locks. I dunno, just cuase alot of hell.
Posts: 2094
Karma: 70
its wasnt april fools...but every year we had this assembly for the sr beofre they left...and everyone went to it...even the janitors...and 2 of the sr didnt go and they went around the whole school and put clear plastic wrap on every single toilet...like lifted the seat and put it on then put the seats back down (this was at an all girls school)...they even got the one in the athletic directors office and the princepals office....no one noticied till the secretray got piss all over herslef...it was awesome!!
the year before they stole all the furniture out of the foyer and put it on the front lawn...then it rained....
a while back my freinds brother spent all year collecting pad locks and chains...and then in the middle of a period he locked every class room togther...he got in a shitload of trouble cuz its a mega fire hazard
Posts: 3842
Karma: 192
put i vibrator in a locker and turn it on and call a bomb threat on that locker so they evacuate the school and send in a bomb squad just to find a vibrator
Posts: 2452
Karma: 14
put a porno spread on a pull down map that you know you're gonna use in history/socials.
get an eclair (cream filled long john donut), take the whipping cream out, replace it with shaving cream, give it to someone. they'll take a bite and realize that they're an idiot, then u get the donut back. u then give it to someone else, saying that you're full and you don't want it any more, they will eat it, because they think that you've already taken a bite so obviously nothing bad has been done to it. classic.
Posts: 6005
Karma: 2,203
hahah i have cleared out the center of oreos just big enought for a alkaseltzer tablet to fit and this kid no one liked shoved it in his mouth and started eating is and it was funny watching his facial expression relizing he had just been punk'd
Posts: 3057
Karma: 185
get 4 mice and put labels on them that say 1,2,3,5 and then they will think there is a 4th that they hanvt found
Posts: 586
Karma: 7
tampons in the teachers coffee. they don't mind too much, unless it's used, you'll get suspended for that
Posts: 1608
Karma: 13
couple years back at my school people put laxitives in the cofee, coidial and water dispenses. worked so well atleast 40 people could be seen lined up for the toilets
Posts: 346
Karma: 11
we're aranging a massive food fight at the largest lunch. thee should be about 500-600 kids there.
Posts: 1606
Karma: 193
in our school the last two years have a seperate building across the road, so they last day we were at the old building we did that and all 140 boys in our year got held back for 2 weeks in the school hols
Posts: 1661
Karma: 10
Steal a bunch of golf balls from the local driving range. Do it over the course of a couple weeks. Like thousands of them. Then let that shit loose all over the halls.
Posts: 357
Karma: 30
saw that shit too it was fucking hillarious
Posts: 1800
Karma: 13
Smear shit all over the bathroom. Every day.
Posts: 4221
Karma: 20
kids at my school did that anyway...everyday
Posts: 1092
Karma: 34
haha i like the ones with the pigs and mice where you put 1 2 and 4... so they think theres a third one
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