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Pokemon cards on skis????? help
Posts: 219
Karma: 20
i know its a good idea lol
i painted my skis after sanding and priming and now i have to clear coat them..
what if i do one clear coat and while its wet place pokemon cards in the wet paint so that it iwll dry around the card... and then once that dries do another couple clear coats on top of that... does anyone have anyother better ways of doing it or any tips
Posts: 2391
Karma: 28
apply a clear layer and while it is wet put the cards on it then before the bottom layer drys put a clear layer over the cards
Posts: 219
Karma: 20
so do this all in one sequence... so i dont have to wait till the original clear coat layer (the one where cards are put in while wet) to put another coat on
Posts: 8893
Karma: 7,634
why did you paint your skis
Posts: 219
Karma: 20
Posts: 1283
Karma: 11
whats the purpose of the pokemon cards?
Posts: 219
Karma: 20
cuz pokemon is th shit
mad quistions i feel like i ujus got locked up
Posts: 2765
Karma: 27
i wonder how much they'd go for i still have a ton of mine...i wonder if i sell tehm as a set if id make some good money
Posts: 1188
Karma: 11
dude you wont be able to play with the cards after you do it so choose wisely. for example, do not use a charizard.
Posts: 7382
Karma: 148
post a pic wen you finish, i gotta c this
Posts: 4008
Karma: 143
instant classic
but i bet it wont work good
go for it
Posts: 3233
Karma: 18
no you gotta use a charizard, its the most badass of them all or a blastoise
Posts: 8258
Karma: 214
ha i have a charizard from when i collected them, you could also try contact paper
Posts: 1428
Karma: 159
dude i would so put a charizard in mine if i did that, i'd put my fav's i don't use them anymore... how much u think they're worth?
Posts: 7382
Karma: 148
i believe its pronounced charzard not charizard
Posts: 5427
Karma: 287
yep, and this is a crazy idea that i hope comes out cool.
Posts: 820
Karma: 11
fuck pokemon put on yugioh cards
Posts: 828
Karma: 10
dude you have to do this...these would be the nastiest skis of all on ns. once you do it deffantley take some pictures... and ofcourse you have to put charzaird on it
Posts: 217
Karma: 10
wtf is going on, now people are putting pokemon cards in there skis? what bunch of hacks. haha actually its kinda funny, defenetaly put pictures up when your done!
Posts: 680
Karma: 10
you definalty have to post pics
Posts: 909
Karma: 6
hahahahhaa that is hilarious.
Posts: 3301
Karma: 13
haha, i really wanna see this
Posts: 863
Karma: 10
any one who still has pokemon cards i send a faggot e-card to
Posts: 452
Karma: 10
^your a faggot for saying e-card
Posts: 863
Karma: 10
^ your a faggot for taking it up the ass
Posts: 2100
Karma: 23
pokemon on skis? kill yourself
Posts: 431
Karma: 12
ummm thats fuckin sweet i wanna see this do it!
Posts: 925
Karma: 13
Posts: 8232
Karma: 3,311
if NS was a body it woulndt have any arms or legs
Posts: 2765
Karma: 27
u should use all the metallic ones what the hell were they called....holograms get all kinds of the hologram ones buy it off or ask kids for them....that way ur skis will be blingin to the max
Posts: 7813
Karma: 5
Im actually really jealous I didnt think of this first. Thats amazing. DO it please.
Posts: 5427
Karma: 287
yea i'll give u all my "holo's" (holograms) for like $2. or just use them and theh show pictures
Posts: 219
Karma: 20
its going to be so sick...
i wanted to use all japanese or holographic but i cant cuz their mad rare... im still panitng the skis though but ill post pics wen done
Posts: 694
Karma: 18
that sounds liek it would be pretty epic...i ahev good pokemon cards but m preserving them so i can retire ont hem
Posts: 219
Karma: 20
Posts: 4869
Karma: 20
dude use all ice pokemon that would be sick
Posts: 219
Karma: 20
that wuld be but i wuld like a variety for the full effect wen i look down on the slopes and see like charmander or blastoise...
im gonna get so many ski bunnies its ridiculous
Posts: 1493
Karma: 50
put them in a evolution order like have charmadar go to charmeilon (i think) and then to charizard, that would be sick too! but the ice pokemon ideal is go too but i dont think that there are many and they're not the coolest
Posts: 219
Karma: 20
i know i think im just gonna have all types and all different ones on those bad boys
but does anyone have any better ideas on how i can do this if i didnt clear coat yet... cuz im still painting them
Posts: 219
Karma: 20
Posts: 2020
Karma: 13
i donno what would work best, but these deff. will either be sick as hell, or look gay, post pics
Posts: 3489
Karma: 18
then after the couple of clear layers, put on a primer and water proof seal.
Posts: 219
Karma: 20
Posts: 6192
Karma: 41
i really want to see this
Posts: 219
Karma: 20
Posts: 2685
Karma: 17
Posts: 4869
Karma: 20
im guessing somewhere around 14
Posts: 219
Karma: 20
Posts: 1440
Karma: 21
heres an idea.... your idea sucks
Posts: 241
Karma: 10
wow i dont know if i should shoot you or myself lol
Posts: 10166
Karma: 55
bahahaha thats retarded...do it.
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