LINE Traveling Circus 13.2 – Isle of Raccoon Dogs

published Nov 2020 - 5,883 views

It’s not a raccoon, and not exactly a dog either…

On the brink of global pandemic, the crew assembles in the land of unlimited ramen for one last international hurrah. Deep pow, wet pow, ice pow, rails, walls and falls this ones got it all! Join Jarred McCarl, Dylan Siggers, Kevin Salonius, Will Wesson, and Andy Parry on the hunt for the legendary Tanuki and it’s fabled nut sack in the land of the rising sun.

See more of the Traveling Circus:

#LINEskis #Morefunner

Credit: Jake Strassman

Skier: LINE Traveling Circus

Location: Japan

Art People Crash Ski Equipment Rails Jumps Street Powder Big Mountain Park Edits


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