Dylan Siggers | INTENT

published Oct 2020 - 4,404 views

Every run visualized, every movement crafted.
The tracks in the snow are unconventional but distinct — they were made with intent.

The vision quest continues in Fernie, British Columbia on the all-new LINE Vision 118.

Special Thanks —
Fernie Wilderness Adventures
Jake Strassman
Josh McSkimming
Mikey Witlox
Adam Laurin
Dave Keenan
Zak Mousseau
Derek Vondracek
Fernie Wilderness Catskiing
Sophie Perrault
Powder Skiing

Credit: Jake Strassman

Skier: Dylan Siggers

Location: Fernie, British Columbia

Art Crash Ski Equipment Jumps Backcountry North America Big Mountain Edits Powder


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