Going for Broke - By Jake Doan and Sander Hadley

published Oct 2020 - 1,910 views

Cast Touring presents Jake Doan and Sander Hadley's project from the 19-20 winter season, "Going for Broke". Created out of a desire to do things our own way. Follow us on Instagram! (or don't)

Original soundtrack by Jake Doan (except the credits, that was Poppa Doan)

Edited by Jake Doan & Georgiana Knox

Logo Illustration by Cy Whitling - @cywhitling

Shot on Location in Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana

Filmed by us, and our friends:
Alex Mager - @alx_mgr_video
Devin Nordeng - Renaissance man, no social media
Mitchell Brower - @mitchellbrower
Cam Jepperson - @cameron.visuals
Bo Ferro - @boferro
Tanner Hall - You know what it is, @tannerhall420

Huge thanks to our sponsors that supported this film:
Cast Touring - casttouring.com
Flylow Gear -flylowgear.com
Dynastar Skis - dynastar.com
Look Bindings - look-bindings.com
Lange Boots - lange-boots.com
Picture Organic Clothing - picture-organic-clothing.com
Auclair Gloves - auclairgloves.com
Switchback Designs - switchbackdesigns.com

Credit: Jake Doan

Skier: Jake Doan and Sander Hadley

Location: Idaho, Utah, Wyoming

Artist: Jake Doan



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