"Zillertal Adventures" teaser

published Oct 2020 - 795 views

Teaser for upcoming Zillertal Adventures flick. Premiere will be at Arctic Weekend on Friday 30th October and Internet release during November.

Plan was to shoot more mountain action in Norway during the spring but corona canceled our plans. Luckily those two weeks in Austria were better than good what comes to the amount of powder. Hopefully next season we are able to shoot more mountain and street stuff.

Featuring: Eero Haukkala, Ville Vuori, Daniel Antell, Lasse Tyry

Credit: Redline Films

Skier: @eerohaukkala @villevuori @danielantelll@lassetyry

Location: Zillertal, Austria

Artist: Ramzoid

Jumps Big Mountain Edits Europe Backcountry Powder


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