Trollhaugen : Human Being : UNPHASED - Ep 6, Vol 3 - 2018/19

published Mar 2019 - 2,727 views

What does it mean for a human to be unphased? To exist, respond, and act in the absence of phase, or rather, to have once been existentially phased, and then through some turn of events, series of experiences, or bending of space, time, and/or the natural state of being, having had the effects of phase removed? While the application of the principles of chemistry, simple classification (or the absence therein), or the actual act thereof could apply, it seems the utilization of the definition in physics, with a verb chaser, seems most appropriate.

If phase is the relationship in time between the successive states or cycles of an oscillating or repeating system (such as an alternating electric current or a light or sound wave) and either a fixed reference point or the states or cycles of another system with which it may or may not be in synchrony, than these humans operate so that, by their circumstances and situations, they find themselves executing maneuverings without regard for external influence or obstacle. They are, put simply, unphased.

Film/Edit: Nick Schoess

Additional Filming: Kian Barrett, Sam Lobinksy, Drew Ahlstrom

Music: The Hands of DOOM - MF DOOM , I hear Voices (Part One - MF DOOM , The Mystery of DOOM (Skit) - MF DOOM

Titles/Text: David Duea

Skiers (In order of appearance): Nick Schoess, Matt Wunderlich, Adam Peterson, Spencer Burke, David Duea, Zach Shuster, Drew Ahlstrom, Sam Lobinsky, Kian Barrett, Matt Kaye

Special Thanks: David Sutton, Valerie Weekes (Soon to be Schoess), Trollhaugen, Troll Park Crew, ON3P, Pinewskis, Colab Brand, Sean Donahue, Scott @ ON3P, Dan Pinewski, Trevor Pinewski, Cory Pinewski, Karl Bekkala, Kael Luberts, David Duea, Kian Barrett, Hannah Peterson, Sam Lobinsky, Matt Kaye, J-LO, Mom/Dad, Drew Ahlstrom, Matt Kretzschmar, Evan Heath, Newschoolers, The Stuga, Joel Tiburzi, Ben Neeson, Mike Kennedy, Logan Herber, Dom Diedrich, Matt Krohn, Adam Peterson, Ryan Switzer, Morries Automotive Group

People Jumps North America Park Rails Midwest Edits


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