Black Ice 2

published Jan 2018 - 3,576 views

The typically low levels of noticeable ice pellets, snow, or sleet surrounding black ice means that areas of the ice are often practically invisible to drivers or people stepping on it. There is, thus, a risk of skidding and subsequent accident due to the unexpected loss of traction.

A few shots I thought were okay from the Summer/Autumn of 2017. We didn't get as many filming opportunities as originally planned unfortunately. I've also had an issue with my knee, so I've been unable to ski recently. Hopefully I'll be back to full strength ASAP and ready for new film projects in the coming months, big things to come for 2018. Thanks everyone.

Big ups to all my sponsors: Line Skis UK, Full Tilt UK, Marker Bindings, Planks Clothing and Ski The Kingdom.

All filmed in the UK at: The Snow Centre, Stoke Ski Centre, The London Ski Show, Snowtrax, MK, Tamworth Snowdome,Warmwell, Max's Garden and Bearsden.

Music: Dank - K-Lone

Filmed by: Jack Tompkins (Ski The Kingdom), Olli Kane (Fridge Bangers / Enjoy The View) & Friends

Skiing & Editing by: Row Emery


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