Ian Hamilton - Soft Landings

published Jan 2018 - 9,314 views

Last year, after 10+ years of competing in Slopestyle, I switched my focus to backcountry jumping. It turned out to be a good choice. By the end of January it had snowed 300 inches in Utah and all the classic hits in Little Cottonwood Canyon were good to go. It was an unbelievable season, from sessions on Pyramid and Flagstaff gap, Catskiing at Fernie Wilderness Adventures to pondskimming and partying at Lost Trail Powder Mountain in the spring. I had more great times in the mountains with amazing humans than any other season and they're memories I'll never forget. Hope ya'll dig it and get stoked to shred!!

Alex Mager
Bobby Jahrig
Austin Ramaley
Freedle Coty
AJ Dakoulas
Kyle Decker
Chris Bolduc
Zach Falen
Jay Jensen

Budhies in order of appearance:
Sander Hadley
Danny Arnold
Jazz Vitale
Joe Dillon
River Lucas

Revolutionary Rhythm: https://revolutionaryrhythm.bandcamp.com/
Jazzinuf: https://jazzinuf.bandcamp.com/

Skier: Ian Hamilton

Location: Fernie Wilderness Adventures, Alta, Whitewater, Lost Trail

Playtime: 00:06:27

Crash Big Mountain Powder Backcountry North America Jumps Edits


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