"Mugen" Teaser

published Jan 2018 - 54 views

Mugen: Vast and endless. This applies to the culture, people, incredible food, terrain, sense of stoke, and of course, the seemingly infinite snowfall of Japan's Northern island. Despite the finite time slot in this land, the dream-like feeling of permanence permeated every turn and bite. Full-on flavor. Of course, these moments don't last forever. But sometimes, you really feel they should, or even could. Getting lost in these ephemeral moments is what we live for.

Full edit dropping in the next couple weeks.

Credit: Film: Eike, Ross, Scott, Saarela. Edit: Saarela

Skier: Rocky Ross, James Saarela, Theo Scott, Danny Eike

Location: Tokyo; Hirafu; Kiroro; Moiwa; Yotei-san; Rusutsu, Japan

Playtime: 00:01:00

Jumps People Edits Backcountry Powder


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