The Bunch x India Kash

published Jan 2017 - 17,182 views

This is The Bunch connecting with an unfamiliar world. 17 days high up in the holy mountains of India.

We begin with a Presentation
Fear enters and false pictures are painted.
Beautiful meetings showed us the truth.
It is time for us to rise from sleep and listen to the mighty tree roots.
We are nature.
Lifestyle dreams.
A Celebration of all.
We love rice and dal.

Directed and filmed by Gustav Cavallin and Andreas Olofsson

Edited by Gustav Cavallin

Produced by Magnus Granér, Gustav Cavallin, Andreas Olofsson and Paul Dowell.

Photography by Alric Ljunghager

Skiing by Magnus Granér, Douglas Kallsbo, Tobias Sedlacek, Sakarias
Majander, Maximilliam Smith, Erik Pousette, Leo Bjorklund.

Supported by Tall T Productions.

Music by

Location: India


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