The Van - Film

published Dec 2016 - 2,184 views

More than 356 000km on the dial, several breakdowns, an eternity spent fixing it, the van is the most iconic feature of the crew. Filled up with skis, shovels, bags, winch, power generator, the van carried us from day one to find the best streets spots and parks around the Pyrenees.

Principal Cinematograpy: Leo Maigret
Aerial Cinematography: Guillaume Barros
Starring in order of appearance: Camille Cros, Clement Margnes, Pierre-Alex Dedeban, Guillaume Barros, Charles Andrieu, Martin Labadan and Titouan Hesleau

Credit: Nosafe

Skier: Cros C, Barros G, Margnes C, Dedeban P, & frie

Location: French Pyrenees

Jumps Rails Edits Crash Park Europe Sunset Street


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