My best crash yet...

published Nov 2014 - 2,157 views

Well... It was rockier than I thought... So, it was the end of the day, I was sore and tired but wanted to do one last run before work. There was about 9in of new snow but it was very low density so you were riding on the old snow. I looked at the line from a distance and didn't see any rocks so I decided to give it a try. As I approached the line, my slough uncovered some rocks I didn't know about and I had to do a weird body twist to avoid them. As I lost my balance the tips of my skis nailed a rock and I double ejected and began to tomahawk over some rocks (the photo in the video is from much more covered season). I (luckily) didn't get hurt and ended up finding both my skis stuck in some trees (I never found my pole, although you can see it in the end of video if you look carefully). Anyway, I learned my lesson (use fresh legs, check for rocks, etc) and ended up going back later and doing the line justice.

Credit: Me

Skier: Me

Location: Bridger Bowl



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