Dub Tales Ep. 7 Retallack with Orage

published Feb 2014 - 814 views

Late March 2013, I had the great opportunity to visit the famed Retallack Lodge with other members of the Orage family. Banks Gilberti, Charley Ager, Tatum Monod, and I shot with Felix Rioux and Jake Strassman as Mike Nick orchestrated everything. Retallack is over the top- a delicious hearty breakfast and packed lunches allows for a full day of lapping deep, pillow filled forests before a daily Chinese Downhill brings everyone back to the lodge for wings, beer, and games of neglin. The employees and the crew- especially Sir John A. Macdonald, Jonny5, and Karl the Gnarl- kept us safe and stoked, and I can't wait to get back up there.



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