"Streets Of Tampere"

published Aug 2013 - 3,816 views

It was 1st of December 2012 when this project started...dream about urban skiing movie. Four months of skiing, 62 spots, long days, cold nights, sunny spring days, concussions, broken rib, broken camera, low budget, cool people, angry people, fails, successes, waiting, hard work and frustration. Probably the best 4 months ever of our lifetime is now called "Streets Of Tampere". Skiing by Petja Sereda, Samuli Sandelin, Janne Koskinen, Henri Tuohimaa, Lassi Markkula, Santeri Leppänen and Eero Haukkala Filmed by Henri Haikka, Niko Ranta and Mikko Mäki Supported by Bluebird Store and Parom Camps Media partners: Mpora.com, Loska.fi and Downdays.eu Big thanks for everyone who were part of this project! FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: facebook.com/rlfilms FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/redlinefilms

Credit: Redline Films, Mikko Mäki and Jarkko Laine

Skier: RLF Crew

Location: Tampere, Ylöjärvi and Pirkkala

Music: Rock'n'Roll



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