ANDY PARTRIDGE: One week @ Windells

published Jul 2013 - 2,527 views

Saga TV brings you, Andy Partridge from session 4 at Windells Camp. Andy traveled to Oregon for a week to stay at the Sagafam house and ride the summer lane on the Palmer snowfield. We teamed up with Evan Heath Visuals to catch a glimpse of Partridge's vast wealth of skill and style on-hill that far surpasses his age. Mt. Hood summer skiing will leave even the most seasoned veterans scratching their heads when it comes to what to wear. One minute it will be cloudy and windy, the next blazing sun and slush. To combat this vast range of conditions Andy chose the 13/14 Crossover Zip Up, Mutiny Mittens and Anomie 2L Pants as the summer kit. Crossover Zip Up: Anomie 2L Pants: Mutiny Mittens:

Credit: Saga Outerwear, Evan Heath Visual

Skier: Andy Partridge

Location: Windells, Timberline, Mt. Hood, Oregon

Playtime: 00:01:52



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