Stauss Throwback

published Jun 2013 - 743 views

In the past couple days I've been sorting footage from this past winter. Then i got bored and nostalgic about the "good old days" when i was in high school in vermont so i re-watched this edit. THEN i realized I'd never shared it on NS. So here it is, an ancient relic from an aged freeskied. This segment is part of a film called Second Hand Stoked that my homies and I released in the spring of 2007. Some highlights for me inlcude my first 900, a trip to south american in the summer of 2006 with SASS, and of course the ever infamous Switch 720 Small Girl Tap. ENJOY! Sorry for the low quality, this was way before HDSLR's. All tapes baby!

Credit: James Dillon, Austin Stewart, Mikey Shep

Skier: Jack Stauss

Location: Sugarbush, Las Lenas

Music: RZA



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