Bomb Snow TV Episode 4

published May 2013 - 1,647 views

After a rowdy eviction party, we hit the road early on April 1st with Alaska segments from old MSP and TGR movies burned in our brains. With 2500 miles in front of us, we knew we were in for a long ride, but the prospects of skiing steep blower spines kept our spirits high. Loaded with 5 snowmobiles on an old rusty trailer, we were clueless as to the hardships that would be brought on by the rough roads of Northern Alberta and the Yukon. Bomb Snow TV Episode 4, the last of the season produced by the Bridger Brigade, is a brief account of our adventures to Alaska. From Montana, to Valdez, to Haines, and back to Montana, our journey was filled with highlights and disasters. We have gained a new understanding and appreciation for the Alaskan skiing journey. After 7 days and 6 nights in the truck, 4 blown trailer tires, and 2 broken trailer arms, our hardships were outweighed by a plane drop and an unreal 4 days spent on a glacier in Haines (Minute 10). Needless to say, the Alaskan experience was humbling. The sick terrain and incredible challenges have revamped our ambition toward skiing. With new determination and new goals, nothing will stop us from spending our Spring's in Alaska. Created By: The Bridger Brigade Directed and Produced by: Axel Peterson, Rob Raymond, Randy Evans, Henry Worobec Videography: Axel Peterson, Henry Worobec, Randy Evans, Rob Raymond, Tyler Morton, Mark Rainery Shredders: Randy Evans, Kyle Taylor, Henry Worobec, Axel Peterson, Rob Raymond, Mark Rainery, Tyler Morton Edited by: Axel Peterson and the Bridger Brigade Photography: Travis Andersen Special Thanks: Voke Tab, Caravan Skis, Smith Optics, Drake Olson @Fly Drake, Bill Buchbauer, Fort Seward Lodge, Mike @Mikes Bikes and Boards, The Radbots, Alaska Backcountry Outfitter, Tailgate Alaska, Alaska Brewing, Kyle Christenson and his piece of S***T trailer, Bozone Brewery, Beer and Pow, Tecnica Blizzard, Orage

Credit: Axel Peterson, Randay Evans, Rob Raymond, Henry W

Skier: Axel Peterson, Randy Evans, Rob Raymond, Henry W

Location: Valdez and Haines Alaska

Music: Breezin'

Big Mountain


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