Cole Addison 2012 season edit

published May 2012 - 892 views

i didnt edit this or film it with my gear, it was all my freinds gathered shots and they sent them to my freind owen marty and he edited it! unfourtinaalty i messed up my elbow and had stiches a while in the begining of the season and near the end i under rotated a back flip and fractured my sternum ending my season, but i wanna put a huge thanks for klint skis hooking me up, phunkshun apperal for sending me some gear and hooking me up, and mountain menace for giving me some gear! over i had a good season besides my two injuries, im going to cam pof champions b and c so excpect another slay edit then! and a big ups for 978 for filming me all season!

Credit: steve marshall owen marty sam mcgowan

Skier: Cole Addison

Location: waterville valley



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