Night sesh at avila

published Jan 2010 - 5,192 views

Javais pas le gout de faire du montage compliquer donc jai decider de juste importer les shots que javais filmer durant la soirée du 21 et les mettrent ensembles avec une chanson. c'étais ma premiere fois que je filmais du ski donc mon inexperience avec la neige a causer le resultat d'un lens sale toute la soirée! I didnt want to do some complicated editing so I decided to just import the shots which I had filmed during the evening of the 21 and set it with a song. It was my first time filming skiing so i was inexperience with the snow and it resulted with a dirty lens the whole evening!

Credit: me

Skier: nick belisle Antoine laporte

Location: avila



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