Extra.Ordinary. - DBFilms/Jah Raven Creation

published Jun 2009 - 9,316 views

A Shred Cooperative shred fest showcasing some of the Kootenay's best young talents, either on two sticks or just one. 08/09 wasn't the deepest in Kootenay history, but this flick is full of pow slashes, natural terrain hits and some fine urban jibs to boot. Feature film will feature some bigline mastery from the brothers Treadway as well as some fine pow shredding from the Surface team down in Utah! River surfing and lots of other fun stuff. Enjoy!

Skier: Joel Whalen, Thommy Westcott, Mikel Witlox, Jeremi

Location: Kootenay's

Playtime: 00:03:21



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