Skiing McAfee Peak, Nevada in June

published Jun 2023 - 549 views

A truly wild adventure in the Independence Range of northern Nevada.

Private farmland and primitive barbed wire fences litter the nearby valleys, with the closest town over 50 miles south - separated by a seemingly endless sea of sagebrush and no sign of human intervention. This made accessing the mysterious zone a logistical feat: It meant sneaking through the private property in the early hours of dawn to reach the foothills. Over 14 miles of bushwhacking later, I had successfully skied the northeast chute off 10,440ft McAfee peak, and fled from the private ranch, leaving the undisturbed wonderland behind. Side note: old satellite imagery is often the only available information on these remote destinations, so to luck out with perfect snow conditions on June 17th, was just the right amount of unexpectedness. This one felt nice to make it back to the car safely, Gnarly Nevada never disappoints.

Cool fun fact, these mountains define the northernmost rim of the Great Basin, where streams off the east faces flow up through Idaho/Oregon, and water off west slopes run south until it’s trapped in central Nevada.

Big Mountain Backcountry


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