published Apr 2023 - 6,468 views

A two year Street project from Vincent Palladino. This edit was created for the love of skiing. His sole focus was to create emotion in the viewer by use of song, camera angle, and tricks preformed in this edit.

Sit back, Relax, And Enjoy CHUPACABRA

Massive thank you to the people involved in the efforts of making this edit happen:

Jay Grace @jay5grace

Nicholas Narozanski @nicholas_narozanski

Connor Woods @connorwoods_7

Jacob Rivet @Jacobrivet

Ian Mackey @Ian.mackey

Ryder Johnston @ryderjohnston

Jack Rain @_jackrain

Oliver Taillefer @olitaillefer

Eirik Moberg @Krypto_skier

Espen Thomassen

Forster Meeks @Forstermeeks

Chase Mohrman @Majik_lass

Mike (Mazzi) Carmazzi @hott.tubb

Oscar Weary @oski.toboggan

Playtime: 00:07:33



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