Giving Flowers w/Phil Casabon & Eric Iberg - Pep Fujas

published Aug 2022 - 1,167 views

The fourth installment of giving flowers features none other than Pep Fujas. Phil and Eric discuss his best selling pro model, his legendary video parts and more.

"His wholehearted commitment on and off snow has repeatedly elevated skiing to a new plateau. His video part in Session 1242 is a game changer—like a checker to chess. Fact is, some even confessed, it caused them to quit. His first ever pro model ski, the Fujative, ran more numbers than the matrix.

He is a vital piece to the trinity of your favorite skier’s favorite ski movie—IDEA. He popularized no pole skiing and broke convention on the biggest stage by competing with no poles at X-games with Andy Mahre. There's a research team on retainer searching for the runs, to this day. It's like a unicorn.

His style is thorough - He moves with intent. I cannot overstate his impact on the culture and on my behalf. We're privileged to have this man join us. Today we give flowers to no other than Pep Fujas "- @b-dog

Playtime: 01:13:39


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