published Aug 2022 - 2,776 views

“For years, top women in the ski industry have heard the same sentiment ‘we already have a girl in this segment, one is enough’,” said Michelle Parker, one of the industry’s most prominent freeskiers and Nexus athlete. “If we want to see change in this industry, we need to be the ones out there moving it forward. Nexus is a milestone this industry was long overdue for.”

While Nexus isn’t the first all-female ski film to debut, something of this scale is the first of its kind as a high-budget feature film, both directed and produced by an all-female team.

Presented by Arcteryx. Five distinct groups of female skiers, five unique stories that tell the story of a deep connection to the mountains, each other, and beyond. Explores how the mountains have been a transformative place for each of these athletes and what they’ve learned from their time on skis.

Coming this Fall.


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