
It's Just Skiing LIVE! Business w/ David Lesh

by J_skis
Dec 2016 - 9.3K views

JASON LEVINTHAL, owner & founder of J skis will be answering all your business questions, & small with guest DAVID LESH. David is the creator of Virtika Outerwear known for his legendary outrageous marketing.

Post questions for Jason & David in comments below!!!!

FREE J ski and clothing giveaways during the show!
WATCH on @Jskis Facebook Live Wednesday 12/14 night 8:20pm EST / 4:20pm AK
SHOW UP to 106 Main st. Burlington to watch in person from outside the studio windows for a chance to win skis!

Cork 720/900 Attempt

by Langliid
Dec 2016 - 282 views

Can somebody tell me what spin i accidentally did here? I have landed corks last season and i did it the day after but what kind of weird spin was this?

Sizzle Down Unda 7

by taylor-seaton
Dec 2016 - 6.7K views

This was my 10th consecutive season to New Zealand and the fun continues in my 7th Installment of T-Sizzle Down Unda self edits! Filmed at Cardrona, Lake Wanaka, and Snow Planet by Tom Keedwell, Harry McFadden and Vinnie Renooy. Big Thanks to my sponsors! ENJOY!!!

Skyler Smith 3 for 3

by skyskizzle
Dec 2016 - 1.1K views

The last three years i have had three major knee injuries. Adding up to a total of five surgeries, including one I'm going to have this January. I've been super bored and bummed i cant ski, so i put this together. The footage is from various ski comps and random shots from 2014 and 2016. Self edit, and I'm no cinematographer lol.

Freestyle Express2.

by Donman415
Dec 2016 - 7.5K views

The Freestyle Express is a collection of young up-and-coming individuals who cope with the terrible NY skiing conditions by drinking handles of Fireball Whiskey. The @freestyle_express just dropped some heat for the ladies today @windhamparks and will be coming out with more so follow @freestyle_express for more drunken shenanigans.

Wicked Tuna Gang 16

by wickedtunagang
Jan 2017 - 8.1K views

Season 3 of the lucrative Atlantic tuna fishing in the sunny North Atlantic Ocean has startet. The riders of fishermen will battle each other to see who can catch the most shots in the Arctic preseason shenanigans.

Riders: André Ydstebo, Torgrim Aanestad, Anders Sletten and some hired friends!

Locations: Tirilparken and Oslo vinterpark