
Montana Bandits Movie Trailer

by montanabandits
Sep 2021 - 5.7K views

Movie season is almost upon us. The Bandits put in the work, made the turns, and built a ski movie. Premiering in Bozeman on September 24th. More details to follow. Stay in the loop by following @montanabandits on IG

Mt Bachelor Spring 21' Re-Edit

by BarclayW
Aug 2021 - 2.8K views

Skied Woodward Mt. Bachelor park throughout May of last season (2021) and put this bonus self-edit together from "The Pilgrimage" video that dropped earlier this summer. Such a fun time.
ft. David Mackens, Will Pollard, and Austin Burt

Thanks to all that filmed: David Mackens, Will Pollard, Austin Burt and Ian Osby
Thanks to Thomas Johnston & Pickle for the hospitality in Bend!

Better Now 2021 - TRAILER

by Nicholas.Suchy
Aug 2021 - 5K views

“Better Now”, a film by Nicholas Suchy and Ty Urlich releasing this fall!

This is a film project we’ve been working on over the past year in British Columbia and Alberta. We wanted to create something to showcase not only our skiing but everyone around us on the west coast. Huge shout out to everyone that helped us out along the way!

Follow on IG to keep up to date!




Winter of Daydreams: 20/21

by dwt802
Aug 2021 - 2.8K views

Put together this season cut of myself, hope y’all enjoy it. This whole season was one big day dream, all the new places I went and new faces I met. So incredibly thankful to have had all these great experiences throughout covid at its heights and while I was fucked up mentally. Cheers yo and s/o to the homies who filmed @thetribe802

The Day The Lifts Stood Still

by selftaughtmedia
Jul 2021 - 3.7K views

On March 14, 2020, over 90% of ski resorts in America shut down in response to the coronavirus outbreak. Millions of people sighed, hung up their gear, and wearily said, "Next year, i guess..."
There were a few, however, who refused to stop riding.
This is their story.

Rider Credits : CJ Johnson , Ian Smith , Gavin Goeler , Topher Newitt , Nick Fromm , Colton & Conor Carroll , Tristan Fountain , Miles Hume , Joe Blount , Cj Culligan, Ollie Matthew-Lyons and friends :)


by BarclayW
Jun 2021 - 2.2K views

Hello. And welcome to "The Pilgrimage".

A 16-min short film of a group of friends traveling, skiing, camping, and truly creating some of the best memories of our lives.

Shot during the the spring/summer of 2021. Starting from Colorado we all gathered and ventured out to California, Tahoe, Bend, and finished at Mt. Hood.

This is the Pilgrimage ft. the Notable Knights.

Watch. Enjoy. Share. :)

Ft. Barclay Weyhrauch, Griffin Sides, Will Pollard, David Mackens, Austin Burt, Liam Crosset, Cayden Snyder, Ian Osby, Mike Emmet, and Audrey Friess.

Thank you to everyone who helped out with this. From the shoveling, driving, hospitality, gear, filming, etc...we could not have done it without you.

Durham Jones 2020-2021

by Durrrham
Jun 2021 - 4.2K views

My best/favorite clips from this season, better late than never.

Huge thank u to everyone who made this winter what it was. Also big shoutout to Pierre and Isaac for the cam clips and Jesse Mallis, Keith Shipman, and Liam Downey for being the dopest coaches.

Durham Jones - 15 y/o


Jun 2021 - 3.9K views

The Key is our new ski for 21/22. Available in a 169, 180, and 189cm, this ski is ideal for jumps, high speeds, and overall larger features while still being lightweight and maneuverable on rails. Presale ends July 1st!

featuring Max Siudak, Blake Rolfing, Andrew Egan, Kysen Hall, and Joe Fusare. Special thanks to Pierre Verville and Level 1 Productions for additional footage.


by JahCork
Jun 2021 - 961 views

dedicated to andrew perry
final song produced by Joshua Haddad (exec. production by jahcork)
riding - Jordan Stuart, John Robinson, Parker Weston, Drew Mack, Hagen Brown, Luke Votaw, Aidan Abood, Wyatt
Filming - Parker Weston, John Robinson, Jordan Stuart
Edited by John Robinson

last sesh at mammoth

by pizzaslush
May 2021 - 158 views

Went up to mammoth for the weekend to get some final laps in, didn’t get to many clips, wish I could throw more stuff on rails, just started learning so that’s what the summer set up gonna be for. Hope you all are still shredding🥰🥰

Ass Over Teakettle

by TwoBiFour
May 2021 - 9.6K views

36 years old and I had the best ski season of my life. What a trip. Extremely fortunate to get days on hill with the guys I was skiing with 15 years ago as well as gaining new friends along the way. I had no plans of making anything more than a little edit or two this season like we usually do. After linking up with the right people at the right time a couple days this spring this project created itself. The biggest thanks to everyone who was a part of it.

Skiers in order as seen:
Mark Pomykato
Kyle Desmarais
James Deprospo
Zach Spaulding
Dylan Daume
Keagan Supple
Paris diBrandi
Jackson Coty
Chase Morhman
Andy Holblitzele
Max Sullivan
Chase Brooks

Big thanks 🧡
PETER SAVIANO with the tech help!

Ofege - It's Not Easy
Jane's Addiction - Mountain Song
Fatboy Slim - Praise You
Jeru the Damaja - Me or the Papes
Etta James - At Last

Russian Cream

by 860media*
May 2021 - 4.9K views

Carinthia Parks was low tide for the last few weekends. Check it out, and catch ya for the Hood for the Migration

Lou LeRoux
Jared Degumbia
Rob Newton
Bobby Sullivan
Mike DeJohn
Sam Marino

Created By|
Chris DeJohn


by rocco.caruso
May 2021 - 935 views

The second episode of Jatz Tapes, a video series fimed with local riders and crazy vibes on location in the Jatzpark, Davos, Switzeerland.

Follow me on IG @roccolcaruso for more :)

Scraps: The Last Place On Earth

by Lonely
Apr 2021 - 1.3K views

4 years of life living on lake superior. Big thank you to all involved. It's been a hell of a ride.

Featuring: Austin, Brock, Kaleb, Johhny, Collin, Sam, Wes, Joseph, Morgan, Mitch, Cooper, Carson,Simeon, Andrew, Kurt, Zach and many more