

by BarclayW
Mar 2017 - 619 views

Filmed and Competed for the last 4 months and here's what we got out of it. Shot in Juneau, Alaska Keystone Breckenridge and Crested Butte. Feat: Julian Minnie Barclay Weyhrauch Will Pollard and Hunter Davis. Please share & enjoy! Special S/O to WSCU FST Lethal Descent & Boaderline Legacy


by reynolbeads
Mar 2017 - 2.4K views

After breaking my pelvis last month, I became a filmer. The boys killed for my one day back on snow.


Avoriaz Bound - Jeremy Pancras

by panpan
Mar 2017 - 20K views

First time hitting the slopestyles in a while, nothing too complicated but one hell of a good day ripping the SnowZone with the greatest crew this past february.

Mad thanks to Tim Baud and Avoriaz for the invite, to Alex Beaudoing and Thomas Robert for the job behind the lens and to Melissa and Hugo for keeping the smiles high.

I hope you will enjoy the little draws and the rest, we had fun making it :)

Shout out to those who make everything possible : Volkl, Dakine, Oakley and GoPro.

Broken Skis & All Ice

by 860media*
Mar 2017 - 1.2K views

The boys have been putting in work lately, even though the conditions aren't the best. With sub zero temps it was harder then concrete out thur. But, we managed to break some skis and have some fun! Check it out and lets us know what ya think!

Friends, Sends, and Face Shots

by DwreckRoy
Mar 2017 - 5.9K views

Lots of snow, lots of homies! Hope you enjoy selfies. This is all of December and just a hint of January. Thank you Mt Hood for the cold smoke. Thank you to everyone who filmed!

Riders in order of appearance:
Alex Miller
Yuri Prasoloff
Erik Vermaas
James Snowbarger
Tyler Carr
Derek Roy
Drew Stew
Brett Huber
Corey Roy
Bryan Miller
Fred Roy
Chris Shisler

Thank you for the support Blackstrap Inc, Mountainology, and Dakine.