
Season-PassLess- Stephen Draper 15v16

by sdrvper
Apr 2016 - 6.7K views

One of, if not the best season of my life yet it was the first time I didn't have a pass. I had so much fun skiing with all the new people I was able to meet bouncing around from resort to resort. Quick thank yous to Joey Kraft, Mark Draper, Bloom Outerwear


by sdrvper
Feb 2021 - 6.4K views

Reopening weekend in Ontario with guohski after skiing being restricted due to a 2 month region wide COVID lockdown.

WhistLUH Dud

by sdrvper
May 2016 - 4.4K views

Took a a trip for some spring slvsh in whistler with a bunch of the homies and these are some of the shots we got! Thanks to Connor Harris for havin me



When The Leeve Breaks

by sdrvper
Apr 2023 - 6.8K views

Closing day spring skiing at Mt St Louis Moonstone with GUOHSKI

Skiing - Macguire Webster, Stephen Draper, Charlie Beatty, Spencer Maclean, Rae Moondo, Kyle Mattice, Caleb Barnes, Ethan Murdy, Thomas Mcewen, Jack Pritchard and Jesse Groose.


by sdrvper
Apr 2017 - 18.7K views

Filmed: James Hall (@j3p.cinema) | Song: 1000
Filmed on a sunny afternoon in the outback with friends,

Couldn't be happier with how this season went, lots of fun travelling with guoh, family and friends.
Thank you K2, Smith and Bloom

Msnow Contest

by sdrvper
Aug 2013 - 1.4K views

watch in HD or the quality will be bad after hours of attempts these are the good shots that came out of it, mSnow summer video contest 2013

301 Camp of Champions Edit

by sdrvper
Jul 2014 - 1.2K views

Room 301 at camp of champions for week B. 4th member Carter Harris got injured the second day but thanks for putting together the edit! Thanks @eiraski @pandapoles & @flatlanddecals

Stephen Draper- Jan Edit

by sdrvper
Feb 2014 - 2.6K views

Didnt get to film much but here is a short edit of jan with some urban in huntsville, thanks to cole clothing and panda poles for the stuff and discounts!

Summer Sketchup: $pring {S1.E1}

by sdrvper
May 2014 - 1.7K views

first episode to our little summer setup series we are making for fun: Kink broke early in the session, so we hit a mellow rail, and some acapella skiing at the local hill, check out @flatlanddecals on instagram!

Closing Day?

by sdrvper
Apr 2021 - 5.9K views

Without knowing it was closing day (The "?") the @guohski boys filmed an edit on a slushy afternoon in the Junkyard. Over the next couple days, all ski hills in Ontario would be forced to close as we entered another stay at home lockdown due to covid. Last edit of the year for us, see you next year.

Ontario Opener | Spring Vibez

by sdrvper
Dec 2017 - 2K views

Headphones Recommended, Watch in HD
Thanks MSLM for an awesome opening week setup!

- Feat. Nick Vangelder, Stephen Draper, Carson Sharp & Kurtis McFadden
- Follow us @guohski

Song: People Say - Wu Tang Clan

GUOH does the Show

by sdrvper
Oct 2015 - 1.3K views

Some of the get us outta here crew made it out to the toronto snow show this week for some skiing stupidity and partying.

Big shoutout to mark for taking the win in both events!

Night Watch 2: Valley Warning

by sdrvper
Feb 2018 - 3.8K views

@guohski cruising laps at Hidden Valley
Feat: Ethan Murdy, Stephen Draper, Ethan Harrison, James Eydt, Nick Van G & Kyle Mattice

enjoy with headphones

Filmed by Mark Draper