Took a break from Woodward to go work at Liberty snowflex camp. I pretend to have friends
Was bored so I threw some random clips together from some different edits. Made me realize how much I seriously never film on jumps haha
Woodwards filmer Kelly Karis was kind enough to give me the shots he got of me from this summer
Stacked some Burban Shots (Backcountry Urban) last day of September
Tried to film some. But honestly sometimes filming just sucks! Can never land the tricks you just landed 15 times already that day. Especially John, but that's probably cause John is adopted
Edit I put together a little while back for a contest of just stuff in my life over the years
Snackin! Landing tricks on film is seriously getting too hard!!
Someone asked for these to be longer in the comments. You will never make that same mistake again internetz. I'm sorry, this one really is a waste of your time. I hope the first minute makes you cringe a lot. I think I've legit had more days hitting urban than on the mountain so far this year. HYPHY
Have a great Christmas. Jesus Loves you. Always has. Always will.
Huge thanks to my sponsors for giving me the edge to land my first ever quad daffy. Full Tilt Boots, Line Skis, Saga Outerwear.
The boys took a few mello laps at keystone the other day and passed the gopro back and forth. Taking 100 screenshots was soo worth it. If your 3 yr old video randomly just got another upvote. You're welcome....
The side of urban skiing no one else shows you. It's not about getting bangers. It's about having fun. Don't ever take it serious!
Not even all the clips from just one day out in the streets. Just trying to have some fun
As discovered in the comments. I suck:( not the first. Haha bummer. My claim to fame and riches is over
It snowed, but no one was available to hit urban. So I hit this rail by myself for an hour and filmed it with a tripod.
We rode park on literally the only non sunny day of the week. Was tight
Filmed for half a day at Keystone. Not much more urbnan to be had:( Someone hook us up with a winch for next season
I hope you like B roll! Our trip to Nebraska this winter. Think of it as a family vacation recap. Thanks to everyone that helped!
I hope you like B roll! The 2nd pat of our trip to Nebraska this winter. Think of it as a family vacation recap. Thanks to everyone that helped!
Way too many actual tricks and not enough b roll in this one. What is happening! Do you see how freaking long that dfd is!!!
Our entry. Some of our best shots from this season
One final exhausting urban attempt of the year. Less than 3 hours of sleep in 40 hrs. Thanks for the great season folks! So much love to all the supporters. Keep your eyes out for a few Summer Mello Yello's
Love you guys!
Some rails in the drunk may weather. Didn't get the finishing shot I wanted, but you can't complain about skiing in may:)
I'm just trying to fit in.
(me) Josh W, Jason, Asian Peter, Tim Durtschi, McRae Williams, McKeever, Matt, Totally Trevor, Zach Ryan, Brooke Potter, Evan.
Filmed one night in the barn at Woodward.
Had so much fun hanging out with these goons!!
Thanks to Saga! Line! Full Tilt! Royal! Ryft! And all the homies!
For the boys!! Snowflex summer camp. If you weren't there, then you missed out!! We didn't film much skiing. But it sure was a fun 2 weeks! #molesquad
Dixon O'Hair, Preston Easley, Erik Quinn, Torsten Aubrey Sjostedt, Birrion Sondahl, Savanah Stah,l Dylan Newcomer, Garrett Walters,
Phillip Smith, Michael Smith, Stefan Timothy Seeling, Ryan Strohl, Jonathan Wong, Etc.