
Mini Rainbox Sesh

by TotallyTrevor
Apr 2009 - 5.6K views

We found this private ski area with a big snow patch and this little rainbow rail there, so we walked in and sessioned. This is a few weeks after our ski hill closed too.

"Sinking Battleship" rail edit

by TotallyTrevor
Feb 2009 - 7K views

So the park manager tried to make a flat-down-down-er, which he called the "sinking battleship" it was kinda just a really mellow battleship but whatever it was fun, and we got some okay shots.....enjoy

FIRST twenty2 crew edit

by TotallyTrevor
Feb 2009 - 8.4K views

We FINALLY got some good enough footage to make an edit and sorry about the mixed qualities, and the SUPER shitty quality shot at the bad

this was filmed Feb. 5th and 7th, with a little shitty sony handycam and a canon GL2