We FINALLY got some good enough footage to make an edit and sorry about the mixed qualities, and the SUPER shitty quality shot at the beginning....my bad
this was filmed Feb. 5th and 7th, with a little shitty sony handycam and a canon GL2
Twenty2 crew doin work on the day of looooove.
we filmed it on valentines day, so i finally got around to editing it
A fun little gym session with some taco bell action at the end
also i had the shutter speed way to high which explains the grainy footage...my bad
We were bored so we put our thizz faces on and hopped on the tramp....literally
Damn i tried uploading to NS 3 times and it didnt work, so i had to embed it
well this was on May 16th and it was pretty fun
The first two he landed, he wanted to see them so i uploaded them for him
the first one might have actually been his first try
So many hilarious little kids to talk to and interview haha
My session started out really shitty, but then i pulled out my secret weapon
So this kid decided to do a backflip off the side of this tiny jump and luckily i had the camera ready
So the park manager tried to make a flat-down-down-er, which he called the "sinking battleship" it was kinda just a really mellow battleship but whatever it was fun, and we got some okay shots.....enjoy