
Totally Trevor Ep2! MIXTAPE EDITION

by TotallyTrevor
Feb 2012 - 8.1K views

Normally I like to have a timeline or theme to my edits, but there wasn't a whole lot going on the past month or two other than lots of park skiing. So we did some filming in the park and I tried to edit it into a mixtape. Unfortunately, official Totally Trevor OG Mack Camp tore his ACL in December, so I wasn't too motivated to film for a while. A few weeks ago I got amped up off of some Breadbowl though, did some filming, and Voila! Episode 2!

Totally Trevor! Preseason!

by TotallyTrevor
Dec 2012 - 7.5K views

This is either an edit, an episode, or a teaser. We skied Loveland, Abasin, and Keystone as they opened up. Now A51 is open making preseason footage obsolete! (sort of)... I was going to save this for an episode...but maybe this is an episode? Enjoy!

Totally Trevor! Ep 2.2 MIXTAPE

by TotallyTrevor
Apr 2013 - 9.6K views

Here are a bunch of shots from this season! Bangers by Spencer Harkins, mediocre skiing by the rest of well as an official Ndye appearance for all of his fans :) get stoked for sketchy summer skiing!

Totally Trevor! SURF EDIT

by TotallyTrevor
May 2012 - 5.1K views

Conner and I did some filming the last week at Breck, and I edited the B-footy to some surf rock for our second annual COLORADO SURF EDIT. NO idea what that little glitch is at the beginning, I got some new editing software so maybe that has something to do with it....(but all it cuts out is about a second of us walking) Enjoy!

ZEACH 2014

by TotallyTrevor
May 2014 - 2.6K views

eerything crooked. Bittner learned his lesson last year on Zeach Day when he took a slam trying a trick, but he joined us this year for a great time.

Keystone Opening Day ft. Aaron Carter

by TotallyTrevor
Nov 2013 - 4.6K views

Keystone opened November 1st! It was windy, snowy and cold, but we kinda landed some tricks. Thanks to College and having a job I've only been up one other day, but at least Aaron Carter played in Boulder and I got on stage :)

This one time hitting urban...

by TotallyTrevor
Nov 2015 - 4.4K views

Over winter break 2 years ago, Tyler Otis and I went to hit this rail on CU's campus. As we were setting it up this sketchy steam started shooting out the side of the building. As SOON as we were done setting up the rail (no joke, we had just gotten our skis to hit it), the fire alarm goes off. It was very loud. We decided we probably shouldn't hit the rail while this alarm is going off so we carried our stuff up the sidewalk a little bit to wait it out. In the 30-60 minutes we probably stood around waiting, a couple fire trucks showed up, and then left, as well as a few cop cars. One of the cops stopped to talk to us and was cool with us hitting the rail (and I'm pretty sure said something about how he had hit it back when he was in school).

Anywho, we both slid the rail and got it on film, but wasn't ever cool enough to do anything with. It was a pretty weird experience though so I figure the story is worth a share. Hope You guys Enjoyed. PORK FRAT


by TotallyTrevor
Sep 2013 - 4.6K views

Mackenzie Camp was put on this planet for a reason. Why? See for yourself in one of the hottest flicks of the Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring 2012-13. In "Pork Party", Mackenzie will rock your body 'til the break of day. He bleeds red blood, and pink brains like the rest of us, but Satan knows he isn't "One of Us". Every crew should have a Mac. Without a Mac, whats the fuckin' point. Edited by Trevor, with input from Mack and Calvin... Ladies and Gentlemen, without further ado, Mackenzie Camp: The Peoples' Champ.

Totally Trevor Ep5! Wisconsin Again!

by TotallyTrevor
Jun 2012 - 11K views

I went home to Wisconsin for 2 weeks in May and had a lot of fun! Among other things we skied on a piece of trash behind an ice rink and we did some skateboarding! I got to spend some quality time with my cat Little Kitty, we also went to a little rail jam event in the middle of Wisconsin which was sick! Blake took Conner and I to shoot some guns for the first time. Overall it was a real fun trip and I hope you enjoy this little mini-sode! If you enjoy Totally Trevor head over to and give it a like!


by TotallyTrevor
May 2016 - 5.5K views

Here's a Bonus edit for our Premium subscribers! Jake Scannel filmed Tanner Mottau a few days at Breck and Keystone mid season, edited by TanTan.

Totally Trevor Ep1! Opening Season

by TotallyTrevor
Nov 2011 - 4.8K views

My ski season started like any ski season should, tons of McDonalds. I kept myself occupied playing Monopoly until A-basin and Loveland opened. I made it to Loveland the day after they opened for some fun laps and tried to ski A-basin on Sunday of their opening weekend. A few weeks later and Keystone opened! Breck opened the following week, so we skied Keystone some more. Enjoy! Also you can follow my blog @ :)

Totally Trevor! Christmas Special

by TotallyTrevor
Dec 2012 - 4.3K views

Filmed entirely on Christmas day! we skied at keystone for a few hours, then hit a handrail with the remaining hour of daylight...we didn't really get any tricks, but it was a good day! shoutout to front flip kid

One day at A-Basin!

by TotallyTrevor
Dec 2015 - 4.9K views

Here's an edit from A-Basin!

Oh, there's also 4 minutes of skateboarding, but technically it still is an edit from one day at A-Basin. Oh, and ALSO, we didn't even get any good footage at A-Basin... Gotcha Suckers!!! Music: Reggie Watts Riffs on Mars Podcast, Weird European song from Youtube, September - Earth Wind and Fire (Chopped and Screwed by DJ Garbage)


by TotallyTrevor
May 2018 - 3.9K views

And boy Jolly is it a bad one :(

I was actually hoping to film a few days this season and make a solid edit but my friends lost my camera so we only ended up with one day of BAD footage from Eldora. Whaterya gonna do?? Shout out to Tall T Dan for sending my buddy this crappy handycam! Thank you Newschoolers and skiing for over a decade of some of the best times of my life.


by TotallyTrevor
Feb 2015 - 4.2K views

A couple weeks ago Noah and I tried going to Keystone, but instead we sat in traffic on the interstate for 2 hours, turned around, and went to Ruby Hill. Turned out being a pretty good day.

ONE DAY @ Loveland

by TotallyTrevor
May 2013 - 2.9K views

Conner was passing through from Utah to Wisconsin! So we skied at Loveland...we were stoked on the pole-jam to logs, so we tried to land stuff on it.

Trevor Jansen's 10//11 Season Ender

by TotallyTrevor
Jun 2011 - 1.9K views

My season ender edit! Hailing from the small snow bumps of Wisconsin, I spent my first winter here in Colorado and had a good time! Matter o' fact I'm sitting in starbucks right now while it snows outside on the first day of summer....