Collection of my favorite shots from this winter in the terrain parks. Thanks to Flatbush Zombies and anyone who filmed. Open your mind.
Little edit from Japan in February. Enjoy xoxoxo
Film/Edit: Tom Christie
took some park laps at Butternut, the hometown mtn in Great Barrington, Ma
big thanks to the park crew over there for keepings things fun n different
The OS Crew took over Wood Ward Tahoe for session 3 this summer, and it was an absolute blast! Campers were stoked on all the swag, the crew threw down! Enjoy a little taste of summer camp on us... ! Thanks to the Wood Ward for making it happen!
Addition footage:
Mason Kennedy
Brett Fisher
Jess Limeberner
Graham Gray
Zach Pfiffer
Justin Juice Kennedy
As of Saturday noontime Alta had nothing but a dusting of snow on the highest peaks. Things were looking grim. Unless you were privy to the forecast. Winter ...
This is a footage from end season party in deep mud in southern poland.
416 because we did it earlier than 420, because snow was low
enjoy the show
Remember Edouard Therriault? This up and coming 16 year old shredder flew out to Whistler last season and proved how much of a weapon he is on skis! Ed's latest edit has just dropped and is a must watch!
Whistler Blackcomb:][/url]
Read the full blog here:
Go to to get it for yourself!
First of many edits to go down here, the setup is too good. More on the jump?
Finally shredding agin! What a few days we had up at my home resort Klausberg three weeks ago.
Shout out Jonas Vieider for the huge motivation and efforts directing and cutting this clip,][/url]
Thanks to Lukas Kusstatscher for the sick additional camera angles,
and Alex Meliss for the FPV shots,
Last but not least to all the friends for coming out and shredding hard:
Ralph Welponer
Christoph Schenk
Lukas Schäfer
Tibias Sieder
Fabian Hofer
Niklas Oberrauch
Moritz Happacher
Martin Zimmerhofer
Maximilian Pupp
Andreas Reichegger
Michael Forer
Simon Gruber
Simon Leitner
Klaus Vieider
Finnish freeskiing phenomenon Antti Ollila breaks down his chosen gear, from the boots, to the boards to the balaclava.
Filmed and edited by: Oskar Hall
© 2020 The Faction Collective SA
Please only use and share the embed code of this official video.
Third party downloads and distribution are not permitted.
It's 2020?! Just thankful to still be in one piece. Here's to another decade of givin 'er the beans. Big thanks to LMP for making us feel like we have something to prove, all the hommies that come out and tell us we still got it and to the new bois breathing life into our old crew.
2bi4! 2bi4! 2bi4! #1! #1! #1!
Hello. And welcome to "The Pilgrimage".
A 16-min short film of a group of friends traveling, skiing, camping, and truly creating some of the best memories of our lives.
Shot during the the spring/summer of 2021. Starting from Colorado we all gathered and ventured out to California, Tahoe, Bend, and finished at Mt. Hood.
This is the Pilgrimage ft. the Notable Knights.
Watch. Enjoy. Share. :)
Ft. Barclay Weyhrauch, Griffin Sides, Will Pollard, David Mackens, Austin Burt, Liam Crosset, Cayden Snyder, Ian Osby, Mike Emmet, and Audrey Friess.
Thank you to everyone who helped out with this. From the shoveling, driving, hospitality, gear, filming, etc...we could not have done it without you.
Tried a couple triples. got kicked before i could land it. also whis closed so i have to go back next season.
A quick compilation of shots all from the POV of yours truly 🤙🏻
Huge thanks to everyone who made the season what it was!
And a huge thanks to all my sponsors!
K2 Skis, Oakley, Discrete, SnoCru, Soul Poles, Kuhl, and especially Snowbird. You guys make it possible to do what I love most. 🙏🏻
Broke my wrist 3 weeks ago, options were surgery or 4-5 months casted. Opted for the surgery and only had three days before going under the knife. Wanted to make an edit since I'll be off skis for two weeks. Apologies for the loose tricks, this was all filmed in under an hour, in a cast.
Film creds: Drew Agard @dagard_
Music: Rome Fortune - Pheromones
day 1 of pre season meadows with the boys was firing, TRVTAPE 1 Riders: Sam Parker, Paul Richter, Sky Hardesty, PickleMagic, Austin Burke (aka Swaggy), Tristan Fountain, Parker Clarkson, Jahvic Heredia, Naish Invie, Pavel Drozdyuk, Rye Kuder, Will
Sam Anthamatten and Andrew Pollard team up in Lauterbrunnen to bring us the very best in high-altitude freeride skiing: dawn-lit ridge ascents, near vertical descents and a whole lot of adrenaline. In Andrew’s words, “definitely, hands down the steepest sh*t I’ve ever skied.”
So lock in, hold on to your seats and enjoy 5 minutes of steep-ski charging from the team’s point of view.
Sam Anthamatten, Andrew Pollard
Shot on location:
Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland
Edited by: Etienne Mérel
© 2019 The Faction Collective SA & Red Bull Media House
Please only use and share this embed code of the official video.
Third party downloads and distribution is not permitted.
I have been putting this video together over the duration of the last year, asked as many skier and boarders as I knew around the area and put this in motion to show the boys in the east coast still got it!
I would like to thank Line Skis, Full Tilt Boots, Steriks, Joystick, Squire Johns, Whistler, Blue Mountain and my mom for keeping the season and riders amazing
to the filmers (on instagram) @rones__ @ri.peters @stuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu @Thomas_gk @benjamincalaitgis @colstonhowell and more, thank you for all the filming this year
hopefully this can do well so the boys and I can make a second tape!
After learning them last year i'
m feeling much more confident this season!
This line was one of the most beautiful best feeling exhilarating adrenaline filled nerve racking lines I’ve skied and it was a blast
Realized I never released this on its own from Pursuit last year... hope yall enjoy.
Get stoked for TWENTY TWENTY to drop on Nov 5th!
Cant wait to get back after it this year!
ps, follow @onslaughtcrew
Thanks to all!
Ian got the news from the doctor that his knee wasn't blown and proceeded to get after it in MT, BC and UT. Nothing is better than being back on skis after thinking you were done for the season. This Act is simply about how much fun skiing is and how grateful we are to be able to do what we do. Cheers.
Melvin 10 years old does couple of 450 combos in his backyard
A mid-season mini golf edit from CO skier Edward Dujardin. Song: Don't Want to Die Here by A Shadow of Jaguar
The 2009 release from Stept Productions "With a jam packed rider list put into a mixtape format combined with a fast, upbeat soundtrack, "How We Livin" takes...
It's been quite the season here at Alta this winter. We've skied more pow days than not. Check out some of our best shots from an unforgettable year at Alta ...
Better late than never. We're back for 2019, Bigger, Better, Furrier. Amazing turn out for last season once again at Copper Mtn. I'd like to thank @CLQ for creating this wonderful crew of furkins and hosting this at Copper. Shoutout to @eheath being on the cam once again this season being able to make this edit possible. It only encapsulates a tiny fraction of all the furry huggle wuggles activities that occurred. Also local shredder @Biffbarf was able to make it out and style out our park segment with some sick backflips and rail wizardry! Yiffy-ki-ya!
Unfortunately there will be no furmeets this year due to the you-know-what but next year we hope to be back bigger than ever! Suffering major PCD (Post-Con Depression) right now, lol!!
Additional honorable mentions
@dolanslebensraum for providing the venue and catering
@HypeBeast having spare fursuits and skis for anyone that lost their lugagge!
@GayWolf420 for providing everyone rides to the hill in his Kia Soul
@JoshWong for blessing us with a prayer sunday morning
@Kretzschmar @CLQ @Lonely for all the help in the background making sure everything works
@memecork for advertising this great event on social media
@creaturelo for being our personal guide and photographer for the weekend (PM her if you have yet to receive your photos for that weekend!!)
@Ghost_BLandzV2 for getting banned from the resort, he said this was nothing compared to the time he was banned on NS
@gravel for all the great animations! Everyone go checkout his other projects
@dogfacematt and @goofygoober0104 for helping out with the budgeting and fundraising efforts
Hope to see you all next year! FSW Gang! 🐺🐺🐺
I love skiing.
Song: "Space" - First World
Filmers: Kerr McEwen, Villy Bouchard, Jacob Erickson, Mark Wlodarczyk, Tom McDougall, Max Bonazzo, Sam Kuch
Huge thanks to:
Faction Skis
Sacred Ride
Red Mountain Resort
Whitewater Ski Resort
Sunshine Village
Strafe Outerwear
Panda Poles
Giro Goggles
FeiyuTech Gimbals
Ripping Giraffe Boardshop
Skiers in order of appearance:
Dom Diedrich (@dominickdiedrich)
Dylan Patty (@dylanpatty_)
Andrew Hope (@andrew.hope1)
Evan Yellick (@evanyellick)
Simon Kleinertz (@simon_kleinertz)
Paul (@_pflot_)
Jeb (@_jebadia_)
Jack Kaiser (@_jackkaiser_)