
Kootenay Cold Smoke

by Blurst
Jan 2018 - 1.4K views

I went down to the Kootenays for two days to go powder skiing with some of my best friends. We had a wonderful time and the skiing was amazing!


by dvx100
Feb 2018 - 2.5K views

my shots from bandits @no.pulp

sawyer sellingham, mike brewer, rory walsh, matt hauser, will mcintyre, brendan hunt, jeff zeleny, mike ronzitti, pete mcgovern, mike g, and PV


by PlymouthFreeski
Feb 2018 - 301 views

Spencer, Larz, Dave, and Trevor getting after some early season rails at Waterville
Filmed: Larz and Spencer. Edited: Larz
Follow @plymouth_freeski for more content

Saga Rider Series: McRae Williams

by Saga.
Feb 2018 - 2.9K views

As if qualifying for the 2018 US Olympic Ski Team isn't enough, McRae Williams also squeezes in time to film an entire segment with Level 1. Enjoy McRae's best moves from Level 1's Fall 2017 movie, Habit.

Video: Level 1 Productions (
Music: Onra - Against the Wall

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Bad HABIT - A Guide to Crashing

by Level1
Feb 2018 - 6.2K views

Level 1's 18th annual feature film HABIT is available now in your favorite digital or hard copy format:

It’s never quite as easy as it looks in the movies. Even the best professional skiers regularly put their bodies through trials and tribulations in search of that elusive moment when it all comes together- the perfect light with the perfect snow, fingers finding the grab, edges locking onto a rail or ledge, speed perfectly dialed, and balanced feet finding their way to the ground as they prepare for landing.

For every magical shot in your favorite film, edit, or photo, dozens or more hit the cutting room floor. In reality its a waiting game of hours, days, or weeks for light. The snow is harder than it looks. Grabs are often missed. Edges fail. Speed is off- too fast, too slow. That perfect balance point eludes even the most talented as they plummet to the ground below. Didn’t get the shot? No matter- pick up your gear and hike back up for another try. Or a few more. As many as it takes to get the shot or until you can break the habit.

"Year of the Hooch"-Smeegs 2017 Season Edit

by smeegs6
Feb 2018 - 463 views

Was planning on cutting together a season edit but ended up being too lazy so my segment from the @drinkbutter movie is doubling as my season edit. Hope y'all enjoy it and shout out to everyone who followed me around with a camera and all the boys for keeping the stoke at an all time high. Also special thanks to the liquor and the lesbian population of Boise, Idaho for bolstering my morale.
Film: @drinkbutter @adam_scheer @brianallen19 @alex_mgr plus many others.

Still here

by TMC
Feb 2018 - 1K views

after a rough start to the season with a concussion and a torn meniscus, we are still out here getting after it! more to come.

Complete Runs- Pipe

by Poikenz
Feb 2018 - 2.2K views

Runs are in order from highest to lowest score. Byron Wells did not start due to injury. Neither Thomas Krief (only one run) or Kevin Rolland put down a run.

Where is the best place to buy soup?.mov

Feb 2018 - 2.7K views

BC Family Day – February 12th, 2018
On the second Monday of February, British Columbians celebrate Family Day, taking extra time to enjoy activities with their loved ones. In 2018, Family Day falls on Monday, February 12.

Minister Lisa Beare

Happy BC Family Day! On behalf of Premier John Horgan and the Government of British Columbia, I wish you an enjoyable Family Day weekend with loved ones.

BC Family Day is a celebration of family life, and a reminder of the importance of spending time with family.

I’m very pleased that my Ministry has funded family-friendly events and activities throughout the province, which you and your loved ones can enjoy for free. I hope you will take this opportunity to discover areas of British Columbia that are new to you, or to rediscover familiar places.

The B.C. Government is proud to support these special community celebrations. We want to ensure Family Day events are accessible to everyone. I’d like to thank the organizations for their dedication and hard work in planning free community events.

I wish you all a safe, enjoyable BC Family Day.

Lisa Beare
Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture

Fisheyes and feeleys

by tomatonater
Feb 2018 - 1.2K views

A short audio-visual filmed 99% on fisheye. The other 1% is on a normal zoom lense. Enjoy :) Special thanks to Ian @ Driftland Ski and Sport and Canaan Valle...