
CT Pow

by leone
Jan 2012 - 79 views

Connecticut, a land of high taxes, casinos and dreams of an NHL return. Everything is within a 3 hour drive; New York, Boston, Vermont and New Hampshire, but what does home have to offer, especially for a winter enthusiast? Winter in the nutmeg state usually provides more nuisance than enjoyment. 5 inches of snow wipes out a month?s supply of bottled water in the supermarkets. Drivers realize that snow tires would?ve been a good idea. Schools are cancelled for ?cold conditions.? Most of all, winter in Connecticut provides a frustrating border to the northern states that provide higher peaks, more snow and winter charm. Even when it dumps up north, the roads around home may be too icy to drive because that nor?easter was actually freezing rain for us. Why is it that we have to drive so far through hazardous conditions, when so many others can enjoy what they love right outside their backyards? The winter of 2010-2011 brought a record-breaking amount of snow that blanketed the state throughout much of January and February. Oddly, many of the storms were southern-based, leaving Vermont and New Hampshire wishing they had a little Yankee Doodle in them. Last winter reminded us that Connecticut still has a lot to offer. All it took was a little white magic? well maybe more than a little.