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Instagram and YouTube Nate shredz
don’t know what I was trying
instagram and YouTube Nate shredz
Instagram and YouTube Nate shredz thanks for watching
Instagram and YouTube Nate shredz
Filmed by will thopson
Nate shredz on Instagram and YouTube just want to thank everyone for watching this vids 🙏
The wrist do be broken so instead of spending the summer in the water and on the bike I'm staying on snow :) #garretsglacier
Some people asked for a cliff jump edit and a skate edit should I drop one!
Put simply, this is the best of the best. My guys have gotten seriously good over the last few years. It's all been seen before in pieces, but if you pretend that you haven't seen these vids, I think you'll be impressed.
4 days of skiing in frigid Midwest temperatures in February. Skiing at: Spirit Mountain, Trollhaugen, Buena Vista. Skiing by: Garret Schwindt, Seth Pinkerton...
I planned on filming a big 2 min edit this summer but school and work got in the way so this mini edit is all I got, still happy with the final product though! Go vote for my video: