On The Clock
I am a competition coach over at Loon Mountain, here's some of the clips mashed together from one weekend of work. Enjoy you swerve worms
I am a competition coach over at Loon Mountain, here's some of the clips mashed together from one weekend of work. Enjoy you swerve worms
2 laps deep in the Rattlesnake Wilderness Area on old Mosquito Peak. The 2nd chute was a new one for me and the choke point did not fill in that great this year obv. Always sketch guinea pigging a line that no one has skied all year. Big line season is upon us. Jazzed for more marathon days in ze mountains.
Fully waterproof ski boot travel bag is now here and exclusively offered by Mo Pros. This is the perfect travel solution for any skier who is looking for heated boots for any place to explore.
Filmed/edited by: Owen Pommier
Follow Me On:
Instagram: instagram.com/owen_pommier
Facebook: facebook.com/owen.pommier
Twitter: twitter.com/kirk_winslow
Contact: owenw.pommier@gmail.com
YouTube Channels: https://youtu.be/gTYt2D6kjMo, https://youtu.be/gTYt2D6kjMo
Credit: 308 Studios
Skier: Pollen Kemp, Bradley Traverse, Owen Pommier
Location: Kimberley BC
one night at bogus basin with my new rig
First day trying cork 5's and first day lacing one, all in the same day!!
Shot in Kimberley BC, quite a wonderful time we all had this year building booters and traveling to different hills, getting as much footage as necessary to bring the newschoolers community "Iced "TTea" the best thing since Tom Wallisch?
Pollen Kemp
Owen Pommier
Brad Traverse
Tyden Wilson
Cedar and Mo have a clip too!
-Flimed by Owen Pommier
-Edited by the crew
follow all of our Instagram's for the latest updates.
Thanks to everyone who helped us out this season shout-out to Blackdog and Flylow! turn up
Some mediocre clips. Who cares. Fuck you. We gettin buck this year stay woken
The Freestyle Express is a collection of young up-and-coming individuals who cope with the terrible NY skiing conditions by drinking handles of Fireball Whiskey. The @freestyle_express just dropped some heat for the ladies today @windhamparks and will be coming out with more so follow @freestyle_express for more drunken shenanigans.
Last seasons clips that never got edited or used. Super anxious for this winter so I threw this together
This Spring Break, I flew all the way to Colorado to enjoy some nice spring skiing. Song: Golden Artist: Parade of Lights
Vågå Freeride 2017 Gopro Hero 5 Norges cup Amazing skiers sending it at Lemonsjoen. Høkkers invitational next. Follow me on: Instagram: https://www.instagram...
Great skiing from Storsteinnestinden 884 moh. Follow me on: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arctic_breeze/?hl=en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/arct...
Buren 802moh skiing // Sea to Summit ep. 02 // Skiing in Norway Follow me on: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arctic_breeze/?hl=en Facebook: https://www...
Airplanes are like time machines that cross into different dimensions. This was me 48 hours ago at La Parva Chile!
Insta: royski_29
Jose in the Sunset Park at El Colorado Ski resort
Skier: Miles Morris(@milesmorris)
Location: Park City
Song: 9
Artist: Drake
Moritz Klein and Geert Goossens with their ski edit from Tignes in summer 2018, filmed by GFS Camps and Mathieu Tranchida.
We are skiers from Germany and Belgium who train in a big indoor centre in the Netherlands trying to establish Freeski and pushing our limits.
Black Coast - TRNDSTTR (Lucian Remix)
~~~~~~~» Lucian «~~~~~~~
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/lucianofficial
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lucianmusic
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/luciantune
❤ on Hypem: http://goo.gl/a2dtfU
~~~~~~~» Black Coast «~~~~~~~
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/blackcoast
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BlackCoastOf...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/blackcoast_
Contact: stan.blackcoast@gmail.com
Here’s what my 2018 looked like! It was a super fun year. I was able to charge on the skis again (dealing with an injury most of ‘17), started speed flying, got back to jumping out of planes to finally finish my solo, and feeling confident I could take the hard bails, I jumped back on the downhill bike. I also got to spend some time in sick locations in Alberta, BC, California, Washington and Chile. Thanks to all the buds who helped make it an awesome year and to @rossignol for the support (which I’ve been getting in one form or another for 15 years 🤘).
Insta: royski_29
Mash of like 3 clips at LOON up in Lincoln, NH.
Skier: Me
Song: Suge - DaBaby
It's here. KTS4. Wow, what a wild journey it has been with these guys.
We started Keep the Stoke Alive with one thing in mind - to look back at our lives as college students. I have no doubt in my mind that this was a gateway to my profession as a videographer, and I give every ounce of thanks to our unofficial brand: Keep the Stoke Alive. It has encouraged me to move forward with filming and pursue my passion. Shooting for the series has been a great motivator for us to get outdoors and separate my client work with personal work. I think it says a lot about a project when it’s all you want to work on even if you have much higher client priorities.
We have made a commitment to use this series as way to look back on our lives, and it gives me an outlet for full creative freedom to do what I want with the videos - music, cuts, dialogue, thumbnails, titles, promotion, not monetizing, no deadlines, etc... With today’s other work I’m restricted by some of these factors... Though the series might be coming to an end as we grow older, we believe KTSA has stoked the fire within us you and we hope it has inspired you all to do the same🌹Though you may have seen some of these shots before, we want to give you a BTS look of how this all happens. Think of it like one big movie into our lives. Behind all the cool stuff. I promise you it’ll be the best one yet.
***If you like this video, make sure to give it a thumbs up and a share!
If you have any comments or questions about the videos, contact one of us and we would love to respond!***
Thanks for Watching!
Business Inquires: jackbotti@comcast.net
January and February of 2019 were record breaking conditions out in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Taking advantage of prime conditions out in the backcountry from b...
Filmed/edited by: Owen Pommier
Follow Me On:
Instagram: instagram.com/owen_pommier
Facebook: facebook.com/owen.pommier
Twitter: twitter.com/kirk_winslow
Contact: owenw.pommier@gmail.com
YouTube Channels: https://youtu.be/gTYt2D6kjMo, https://youtu.be/gTYt2D6kjMo
Credit: 308 Studios
Skier: Pollen Kemp, Bradley Traverse, Owen Pommier
Location: Kimberley BC
Filmed/edited by: Owen Pommier
Follow Me On:
Instagram: instagram.com/owen_pommier
Facebook: facebook.com/owen.pommier
Twitter: twitter.com/kirk_winslow
Contact: owenw.pommier@gmail.com
YouTube Channels: https://youtu.be/gTYt2D6kjMo, https://youtu.be/gTYt2D6kjMo
Credit: 308 Studios
Skier: Pollen Kemp, Bradley Traverse, Owen Pommier, Tyden Wilson
Location: Fernie BC
What do you think?
insta - @nickcowen99
Tell me what you think
Instagram and YouTube Nate shredz