"In the Meantime" the third installment in the Tanner Hall trilogy created by Corey Stanton & Brady Perron and presented by Armada Skis.
Tripod caught this video of a kid we don't know. Video credit Charlie Deloye
Just a 2 minute edit of all my best ski clips. Go watch Paul's edit too lol. I'm 18 and never been sponsored. If you cant tell by the video, I like being creative when I ski. I do some comps but film skiing and making edits is my specialty. Thanks for watching the vid!
Song: Amoeba by The Doozers. They're a sweet band from where I live you should check them out.
Mark_d made this video for me of all the times I failed in my 2 trips to Canada. mark_d says i am the next bmos. Enjoy me crashing!
Thanks to yoke collection and brighton resort, A4 Wabs The Kid Briggs Freed Brad Leif JeffK Mike Schneider Jared Winkler Erik Olson MC President TheBunch
bridger bowl this winter
going fast, taking chances, turning when something gets in my way
Insta: aiden_mccamountain
A warm and friendly, yet cold and harsh offer.
World Premiere Saturday, October 5 at the Boulder Theater
Tickets available: http://www.bouldertheater.com
Ben Smith, Pete Koukov, Ethan Swadburg, Carson Kerr, Parker Norvell, Calvin Barrett, Sam Zahner
with appearances by
Jonah Williams, Dylan Siggers, Chance Conaty, Nick Hall, Levi Ascher, Taylor Lundquist, Zhach Pham
British Columbia
Andrew Mildenberger
Gavin Rudy
Alex Havey
Owen Dahlberg
Diana Ross - Love Hangover
After three years, Miley Cyrus was able to unearth Peyton O'Connor's ratchet dub fall
So i saw this on youtube
guy crashes haard into sign
Dedicated to Clark Schmitt
Thanks to everyone in the credits + more. This season would not be possible without you guys.
Filmed By: Douglas Wells, George Muntean, Gleb Goedtel, Tim Mcauliffee, Mom, Brandon Stanyer
Filmed At: Pine Knob, Mt. Brighton, Alpine Valley, Mount St.Louis Moonstone
Extra Thanks To: Pine Knob Park Crew, Jacob Corsi, Matt Corsi, Brighton Air Cadets, Blake Burr, Pine Knob knuckle kids
Music: Gorillaz - Tranz