Bittersweet Memories

published Mar 2018 - 2,958 views

On the last Ski race for the Highschool ski Team that I coach, I rode the chair with my one racer left on the team after having; one return home, as she was an exchange student, and another getting injured in a ski accident on a powder day.

This moment shared, was bittersweet.
As we looked onward to summer weather and saw no chance of Winters' return, we were skiing slush and ice in T-shirts, and still finding ourselves uncomfortably warm. Thinking that, not only had the season been cut far too short, but also that yet again we hardly get enough time for the important things in life, the things we love, with "priorities" and Jobs ruling ones' schedule, and enslaving their hunger for stability.
Within 14 days of this photo, every tree, every hill, every acre and square mile of New England was blanketed by Snow yet again. As if the long forgotten Snow Globe on a Business office desk was stirred out of boredom of the worker dreaming of their last ski trip to Chamonix, or Tremblant.

Location: Deerfield, Ma

Sequences Summer People Art North America East Coast Backcountry Powder


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