The mysterious skis that Sleepy grill, skyrep0rt, ____benjaman___ and others have been rocken around

published Feb 2024 - 8,619 views

May of us have seen these mysterious Salomon skis with the black and white stripe design on top with two distinct designs on the bottom of each ski, and many of us are desperate to actually find the name of these skis. There are very few photos of these skis online for us to work with and they give us very little info to work with. However, the contemporary website DEPART.ZIP has showed of these skis, being one of the only other places they have been seen in. Whilst digging through this website, I found many details, and one of the most important ones I saw was the date FEBRUARY 29th.

This date pops up on the crash page when you try to start the retro skiing game on the website, and I have two theories for this date.
1. It is the release date for these skis that so many of us have been waiting for.
2. It is the date where salomon or someone else will release even more hints and info on these skis.

For me, I hope its the first, but reply with anything else you found on these skis.



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