Spot on.
I'll add:
If you're into counting calories n' shit, try and aim for a net intake of about 1800 calories, 1400 at the absolute minimum (based on an average guy, 80kg, sorry for being European).
Net calorie intake = Total calories eaten - calories burnt through exercise.
There are apps that will help you.
Personally, I can't stand all this calorie counting bollocks. Instead, I just have a routine that allows variation so I don't get bored. Breakfast is a bowl of cereal. For lunch I'll make a sandwich, bagel etc. If it were cold I'd have soup. My main carb intake comes at dinner, I eat pasta or rice with some sort of sauce. Dinner should feature meat. If I exercise I have a protein shake straight after. If I need a snack I have some form of fruit. I only drink water and coffee.
It sounds complicated, but it's far easier than recording everything you eat in the long run.
Few more things: if you can, eat wholemeal (brown) bread/pasta/rice. You may despise such foods (I can't stand brown rice, I never have it), but they contain far more fibre than their white counterparts.
The biggest thing is to commit - I broke my arm 6 weeks ago, I'm just out of cast and I'm annoyingly (slightly) overweight because over that time I gave up on my normal routine, and started eating too much junk. If you stick to your routine for long enough, it'll stick.