First off, I'm making these, myself. Its not associated with the company I work for, and may I please stress that these are FREE. All you need to do is send me a SASE. If you dont know what that is:
And heres the address. I'd very much like you to attach proper postage please!
Attn: Sarah Sticker
5622 NE Hassalo St
Portland OR 97213
I've got a bunch cut and peeled first SASE's will be going out today. Each will get a red and a white. This is limited quantity, and I'm also limited on time since I leave for SIA on Saturday, wont be back till February - I cant guarantee every one will be filled either, I'm getting rather a lot of SASE's.
Thank you to whoever made this design, it looks like it will cut and stick well. It would be awesome if you could donate a little to help out the family, but its optional - when a fund is set up, the link will be posted here.
Btw, stickers look like:

And big thanks to Nick Morgan for the design, this would not be possible without his help.
Again, this is free, just something I'm personally running when I have time away from work, limited quantities, I am NOT ACCEPTING PAYMENT, please donate when a fund is set up.