Yes and no.
I actually 'employ' illegals to make the bulk of it for me in giant factories, paying them with the hope that one day I'll send them back to get hanged in whatever uncivilised part of the world they're from. I'm just the overlord in a massive operation to take over my country. I myself work in top secret labs plotting stage 3 of my plan:
Meth doesn't really exist here in the UK. If we charge US prices for it people won't buy it, they'll just stick to coke and Ketamine which are the current fashionable drugs. Therefore we need a massive operation to make a fucktonne of meth. We also need to predict the areas of highest demand, so we can keep it in those areas. Once we've got huge stockpiles, we'll flood the market with all of it at once. Economics says supply is constant because I'm selling all my stock in a preplanned move, but demand will be huge because the price will be so low. Fuck, I'll even outprice paracetamol.
After this rush, I'll have created an independence of the scum of the UK on my produce, and I'll use my infrastructure to drive any potential competitors out of business. I won't make as much product though, by restricting supply I can increase the price because demand will be inelastic thanks to addiction. This is the stage where I'll make my millions.
Stage 3 is to add a mix of potent neurotoxins to some batches, making it deadly in the smallest of amounts. That way most product will be safe, but the rest will kill. As more people die I'll gradually ramp up the % that is lethal, so there is no escape but to quit. Every meth addict will die.
This way, I will eliminate all the worthless pieces of shit in the UK and made a shitload of money in three moves. It'll be like genocide, but good. I will also have proven Alan Smiths description of free market economics to be true, because no market is free-er than the black market.