Damn there are a lot of miss informed people on this site.
First off, think about it, weed is FAT SOLUBLE why would drinking a a ton of water help you? The answer is because it doesn't really! Weed is stored in your fat cells and slowly degenerates into your blood stream thus when drinking water you only dilute the THC but drinking 1000000000000 million gallons of water before hand will have no different effect than drinking some the night before.
There are tons of things that people have listed but most can be tested for. Most detox can be tested for, fake piss or someone else's will fail because it will not be the right temperature, definitely don't tamper with it once you have pissed because they test pH levels of the piss. (With such small volume of piss it won't take much tampering to change pH noticeably)
It all comes down to metabolism and how fast your body can break down the THC in your fat cells. Just because you have a high tolerance for weed DOES NOT mean that THC will be longer in your system as compared to someone who smoked for the first time. There are so many personal variables that make everyone different so it's going to be hard to make a decision based off of what everyone else has sad.
Lastly, look it up in google. It's not that fucking hard. Erowid and the internet has a huge wealth of information.