I use a mix of Alienbees strobes, powered by a Alienbees/Paul C. Buff Vagabond power pack, triggered by a mix of PocketWizards.
In my opinion Alienbees strobes are about the best bang for your buck, in terms of quality, price, power, durability, and options. I should also point out that in my experiences with them as a company, their customer service is extremely legit. Two years ago my Vagabond crapped out on me a few days before I was supposed to shoot the Dew Tour in Breck, and without hesitation they overnighted me (at their expense) a brand new unit from Tennessee to Colorado before I had even sent mine back. They've also been extremely helpful any other time I've called and spoken with their tech support.
Make sure to pay attention to the t.1/t.5 flash duration of whatever strobes/speedlights you're looking at getting. I saw a few other people suggest SB-800's, and for good reason. They're powerful, small, light, and very durable as I've heard.
Don't make the mistake I did when I bought my first strobe! That was buying an Alienbees 1600 which I thought was smart, because it was the most powerful. That was before I knew anything about flash duration, because a 1600's flash duration is too slow to freeze action in a photo, so I was constantly getting blurred, somewhat flashed, action shots. I had no clue why until I took the time to learn more about what flash duration meant. I'm still in the process of learning about off camera lighting nearly 4 years after getting into photography.
For triggers, I've always used PocketWizards since day one. Yes they're expensive, but in my opinion they can take a beating, they too have very good customer service, and they're basically a [photo] industry standard. They also have a very high resale value because of their tried and true performance and reputation. I recently sold a PocketWizard Plus II that was about 2 years old, for barely any less than I paid for it new, which in turn funded a new PocketWizard Flex TT5.
Your head is probably spinning at this point reading what everyone in this thread has said, as there are definitely lots of options and things to consider, so feel free to ask whatever questions you want about strobes. Don't worry about feeling stupid asking questions before you buy either. It won't compare to how stupid you could feel if you didn't ask questions first, then every photo you took of Travis Rice in Keystone's medium park, using 1 Alienbees 1600, came out completely blurry and shitty. Trust me...