So you just signed up(good for you) Before you start posting in the forums please lurk a little bit to get to know things around here. *Click to make Pictures Full Size*
1) Forum Categories
-Ski Gabber(SG): If it is related to the ski industry(besides Gear and Media) It goes here.
-Non-Ski Gabber(NSG): The off topic section of the forums, if it really doesn't fit anywhere else it would go here.
-Site Discussion(SD): If you have a question, problem or comment about the site it would go here.
-Regionals: If you are looking for a more local view go to your state/province/country and post around and find some locals. Great way to get more local in depth answers to your questions
-Gear Talk(GT): If you want to talk about next years gear or have a question about some gear you want to buy it goes here. Many helpful people reside in this area to help you out.
-Media and Arts(M&A): If you want to discus your filming, photo, music gear or even you art talent it would go here. There is a lot of really helpful stuff in this area.
-Buy/Sell/Trade(B/S/T):Probably one of the hidden gems of NS, here you can Sell your gear that you don't want or need anymore, buy others gear, or even trade gear with other users.
2) Tips to Posting
-Forum Rules: (Credit to Mr.Bishop)
-Official n00b Guide to NS(A little outdated but still very helpful): (Credit to Gator.)
-When Posting on NS make sure you think before you post, things you say cannot be edited or deleted(by you) so if you make a mistake or just are mistaken it is there for the whole site to see. Use the Preview Button

-You can quote people by clicking on "Quote Reply" when you are viewing a thread

You can also edit what they say to get only the part you want to quote
Click "Change Quote Text

Then highlight your text then click "Quote Selected Text"

-When Posting Replying you can add Videos, Links and Pictures to your posts
Use these 2 threads to help you figure out how to correctly do this (Credit to me)
Also for Vimeo Videos Check this thread
Also when uploading your pics to NS to use in a thread or just period just refer to this thread
3) Name Colors
Red Names= Site Administrators(If you have a problem with a store order or a site/account problem these are the guys you want to get in contact with)
Green Names= Moderators(People that deleted the shit posts, move threads to the correct section, and ban members who break the rules)
Blue Names= Normal Male Members
Pink Names= Females(Also includes Marsland, Uni-Corn, and MatRich who are dudes) *Just because the name is pink they aren't always a girl
Orange Names= Ski Industry People(Pros, Companies)
4) My Threads
-My threads is the way you keep track of threads you have posted in.
-To go to your threads click the link up in the top left corner.

-The Yellow highlighted word is what filter you are using for your threads.

+New Threads is all the threads with posts in them after you have posted and that you haven't viewed yet
+Created Threads are all the Threads you have created on NS
+All Threads is every thread you have posted in on NS
*To delete a thread from "my threads" Click the "[x]" on the right side of the page in the row of the thread you want to delete. This works for New Threads and All Threads
This is VERY VERY Important. Right now the searchbar is kinda useless for finding stuff. But before you post a new thread it check to see if there is already a thread for it. It is located in the upper right hand corner and looks like this

An alternative that is more actuate then the current searchbar is a Google search. Type " " then what you want to search. This is more accurate then the current search bar.

6)How to Upload an Icon
-As you join NS you get a default icon that so many people have. Really to break free from the norm you should have your own icon that you can change whenever you want. just make sure it is a)Site Appropriate b)under 8K in size c) 50 x 50 pixels *It can be an animated .gif
-The easiest way to do this is to find an Image you want save that to your computer, then go to and then make image 50x50, save to computer and then upload to NS.
-To upload click on the default NS Icon(You will not have the one in my picture but a gray NS one)

Upload Image and your set

7) How to Edit your Signature
-Go to your Profile and then to the settings tab.

-Then Scroll Down till you see this dialog box

-Enter your text and then update
*When you update your signature all the posts with your old signature will still have the signature you had at the time you posted. All new posts(Till you change again) Will have this new signature.
8) The PM(Personal Message) System
-To Write a PM go to the Users Profile and down at the bottom of it there is a blank box, write your message and then send it.

-Go click in the upper left on "Inbox(X)" when X stands for the number of PMs you have not read yet.

-Then a Window will pop-up
-To View a message click on it.
-To View your total message history Click Message History in the Top Right of the window.

-To View a specific members message history with you Go to their Profile, and in the upper right above their picture there is a "View MSG Exchange" button that you shall click

-You can also add people as friends to see when the are online

9) B/S/T 101
Refer to these threads (Credit to MacMahooon) (Credit to papasteeze)
Also when you go to buy something there is a little check list you can do
-1) What is the Users Karma: Karma is useful for seeing how "good" of a member a person is usually the higher their karma is. You can see this number on either the users profile(Under their profile picture) or under the persons username
-2) Another thing you can do is check the pictures, see if they are consistent(model, area, type of photo) If there are a lot of pictures it usually ups the chances of a person having an item
-3) Feedback: this is one of the most important things on this site. When you buy sell or trade something leave feedback on their profile, kinda like ebay. If they have multiple good feedbacks then they are probably legit. It's all in the feedback. To view/give a person feedback go to their profile by clicking their username, then click feedback

*If you think someone is screwing you over, just wait it out or try to get better contact. If you are pretty sure you have been scammed in a buy and you used Paypal you can file a Paypal Claim, there is only a limited amount of time to do this so watch out, and if you a seller ship out your stuff as soon as you can and keep your buyer informed. If worse comes to worse(like with a trade) After a couple weeks of no contact, or no news what so ever(within reason) make a callout thread in B/S/T to see if you can get someone to help you out with your situation. To avoid any problems do your research and be smart.
10) Helpful Threads
-Some helpful websites you maybe didn't know of. (Credit to me)
-How to ask for NS help (Credit to MacMahooon)
-Ban =\= Make another account (Credit to Ginko)
-NS MOBIOE SITE (Credit to nopoles)
-How to ask for ski advice (Credit to charmander)
-The answer to "what binding"(Credit to DHogg)
-Guide On: How to Buy Ski Boots (Credit to lyndon)
-Official Ski/Binding Maintenance Thread (Credit to Gator.)
-The Unworthythread thread in GT (Credit to Kangbang)
-HEY YOU! did you came here to ask "what camera?" IF YOU DID, CLICK HERE FIRST (Credit to 1337.)
-How to buy a camera (Credit to homer)
-Your Best Photography (Credit to Chase=Me)
-Official Crowbar Part Trading Thread (Credit to bigwhite.steeze)
-Official SPICE part trading thread (Credit to saucey)
11) Epic Threads
-how do you get to chad's from the bottom of alta? (Credit to creedmam672)
-Do i have reason to be mad at my friend?? with pics (Credit to Tosh
-Faunt Got Bigger (Credit to Skiierman)
-Guize Im Making a Skiing Game (Credit to OhMyBosh)
-Okay NS this is a legitfucking thread helppp (cliffnotes;somethingwaslaced?) (Credit to OhMyBosh)
-End Sexism in contests (Credit to lindsayjibber)
-ECB is one twisted person (Credit to AlexK.)