Wow, thank you to all those that have ordered a poster... or two!
I just saw the proof print today and it looks amazing. The proof is a printed test sample, that you approve the print quality before printing the whole batch and make sure colours are all good and such...
The printer will deliver in exactly one week from now. I'll start shipping Options 1 & 2 at that moment. Phil Casabon returns home, from a trip, on September 13th. He'll only be able to sign Options 3 & 4 then so I'll only be shipping after IF3 (really sorry about late shipping).
I see comments about the poster being expensive. You're right, it is expensive compared to free posters given by ski companies to promote their brand. They have hundreds of thousands of marketing dollars to promote themselves and give out posters with their logos. Sometimes they use a great image and sometimes they don't. Sometimes they're logo is subtle and most of the time it isn't.
I only want to offer an option to those who wish to have a great image... for the sake of the image itself and not the whole marketing campaign attached to 99% of the posters on the market. It's an expensive item because it is expensive to print, period.
Anyways, I'm stoked to do this project and you guys are supporting it!