we all know that the website doesnt always work flawlessly. sometimes picture embeding is sketchy, sometimes we cant respond or quote....little things. In order to make it more bareable for everyone, I decided to share a few tips I discovered from my hours of ns browsing.
1: when you want to respnd to a thread or quote someone and the text line doesnt appear: simply open a new tab in your browser and go back to newschoolers tab, the text line should be there.
2: when you want to post a picture (with fancy embeder, I know we shouldnt use it but when the picture is nowhere else online, it is usefull) when you found the picture you want and you click on it but it doesnt work.... simply drag the picture to the text box. A small version of the image will apear, delete it and go back to the picture window to click the image... it will work.
These are the only tricks I know for now... hope it helps, if not, I hope my lameness entertained you for at least a good 10 seconds.
share some tricks that you have for when the site has little glitches. I realy want to find one for when the icon to open the image browser doesnt work. the only one I know is to use safari instead of firefox but its not quick enough.
ps. make sure to write what browser you are using for the tricks.